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Here are three possible scenarios we can consider what led to his Elimination.
The first scenario involves a tip-off, allegedly provided by External Spy Agency, giving precise coordinates for dropping multiple bunker-buster bomb.
The second scenario suggests the use of laser-guided targeting, facilitated by Israeli Mossad agents
In the third scenario, 5 Years of communication hacking was used to determine the exact date, allowing them to deploy around 80 different types of weapons on these 2 building complexes.
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😂😂😂These are lies. There is no evidence that he is dead. It is just news for the Zionists to show off their muscles. These are all agreed-upon plans to eliminate Islam and Muslims and to occupy Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula.
Iran playing in both fields is wild!
Les nouveaux matériaux en composites capables d'empêcher le missile d'atteindre sa cible sous terre et le faire exploser à la surface ( les couches traitées au …) oui on en connaît la composition …
Non dovreste spiegare certi meccanismi di guerra, lasciateli nell'ignoranza più totale. Avete visto che cosa hanno fatto con poche nozioni.
Israel should prioritize helping humanity over buying expensive arms. Address poverty, hunger, and inequality, promote peace in the region. Save lives suffering. Enhance regional stability and security, prioritize humanity over weaponry."
“Innocent civilians”??? There are no “innocent civilians” there and for decades now. They are all Hezbollah or Hezbollah supporters/sympathizers.
When Israel do bombs on GAZA everone go to sleep,
who which live in Gaza are they not humans? Are there no children?
Why Israel doing all this?
he killed thousands of people.
but if a country took stand for those innocent people of Gaza then whole world bark
Double standards of this world
The term eliminated is more appropriate than assassinated.
Nasrallah was an assassin. Not Israel.
Vi dumaete jto ubili hasana net on incha Alloh meste Alloh a vi tvari budet otvejat za ubistvo lude vezde ubili detei serkov i dom Alloha vi budete kazni v oered Alloh
Cowards hide behind civilians, naively thinking, "the Israelites will have decency and won't attack us to avoid killing innocent women and children." LOL
It was a general working as a spy for Israel. Confirmed. Think they have a spy in Iran as well.
The video is incorrect Israel didn't use American weapons.
عمل جيد حسن نصر الله قتل اطفال سوريا
إسرائيل مؤيدة بقتله
وقتل امثاله من حزب الشيطان
Free palestine
So, to kill one guy they destroyed 5 buildings with people?
40 000 ❤️🩹🇵🇸+ 1270 🇱🇧❤️🩹😢😢
Супер! Что тут скажешь? Ам Израиль хай!❤
Da je to istina ameri nikada nebi utekli !
1) 100ft is around 30m, not 100m as mentioned in this video. 2) The fins on the back of the rocket at 8:40 do not move in the right direction. for the rest pretty nice animations.
The fact that nobody can punish Jews for enormous amount of innocent victims is mind blowing. And US encourages it
Like a terroris state
حسوني الكباب😂
Good jod men 🌹🌹
Podrían subtitularlo al español por favor.
is nasrallah gonna hide in plain site? Are you guys stupid?
Counts as a Jihad, right? Paradise and the 72 year old virgin!!!
5:19 100 feet isn't equal 100 meters
"assassinat"????? Please, sir , ITS a WAR !
Sir may i use your video with my language
Israel thinks that by targeting leaders it will eliminate the resistance. Eliminating an individual does not mean eliminating the idea. Resistance is an idea and it will not end. Israel will never enjoy security. It has only succeeded through assassinations and killing civilians and children.
Nasrallah was exterminated like a rat, not assassinated