TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #300 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024.
Welcome to our newest video where total idiots at work make every day unpredictably hilarious. Perfect for unwinding, this compilation turns a bad day at work into a barrel of laughs.
Catch the funniest fails and moments of instant regrets, all in one place. It’s a wild ride through workplace blunders that showcase why total idiots at work are the highlight of any day. Gather the family for this must-watch compilation on your TV this weekend.
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★ Playlist of TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9p0TBEiEv0GX5xhoJWFeZuo0TdqCfAq
★ TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #321 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024
★ TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #208 | Bad day at work | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024
★ TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #281 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024
★ TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK #279 | Fails of the week | Instant regret compilation 2024
Video Total Idiots at Work are for educational and entertainment purposes; all content complies with YouTube guidelines, and no one was injured in the making of these videos.
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The material in this video was collected from many places. It belongs to people and organizations who deserve to be respected.
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For copyright matters, please contact us at: IDWIdiot99@gmail.com
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2:59 If this was the real Michael Jackson if he was still alive, it would not be funny at all…😔💔💔💔 But the fake however… LOL!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wish the narrator would shut the hell up. Half the time his comment doesn't even pertain to the video clip. Just plain annoying and had to turn it off
I can't stop laughing at these instant regret fails – absolutely hilarious!
These videos would be so much funnier without the inane commentary
12:30 that slow-mo effect on the fail was epic, so funny
video is awsome but the sound levels r off, not so good
luv the intro music, gets me hyped for the hilarious fails
editing is on point, keeps the laughs coming nonstop
the commentary adds extra laughs, gr8 job with the comments
visuals r so crisp, the instant regrets r so fun to watch
sound quality is gr8, can hear every funny moment cleerly
some comments r not good, kinda distract from the funny fails
10:15 that transition was seamless, made the instant karma even funnier
bg music fits perfectly with the hilarius fails, lovin it
ladder fails are epic, but some comments during those parts are not good
luv how the editing highlights the idiots at work with ladders, so funny
sound effects during the ladder fails make them even funnier, gr8 job
12:30 instant karma strikes in ladder fails, the transitions make it so fun
10:05 the ladder fails are hilarious, visuals so clear i can see every instant regret
A psychologist now huh… Why not show some political stuff…Oh, I know it requires freedom of speech…
14:00 luv the fails but bg music is too loud, kinda distractin
amazing vid quality, but some comments r not good
12:45 bg music is catchy, makes the video so fun
the commentary cracks me up, adds extra humor to these idots at work
gr8 compilation but intro was bit too long, not so fun
5:13 What a friend.
One day, this bully will mess with the wrong guy and his tattoos won't save him.
10:15 that transition was smoother than butter, hilarious fail
lovin the bg music, its as funny as the fails
luv the intro music, its so catchy i cant stop hummin
the commentary cracks me up, adds extra laughs
these idiots at work clips r so fun, my new favorite pastime
editing is on point, keeps the laughs rollin nonstop
12:30 instant karma at its finest, had me in stitches
visuals so crisp, i can see the instant regrets in their eyes
sound quality is top-notch, i can hear every hilarious thud
the fails r hilarious, video quality makes them even better
The Hissing noise is so annoying I can't watch 30 seconds
laughed so hard at these fails, my sides hurt
these idiots r on another level, too funny
can't believe how funny these clips r, amazin
12:30 that fail was priceless, instant karma is real
so fun to watch, keep the hilarious content comin
haha, funniest vid i've seen today, gr8 job
loving these fails, instant regrets r the best
these idots at work make my day, so funny
10:15 that instant karma was epic lol