Floridians are picking up the pieces after Milton made landfall Wednesday evening. CNN talks to reporters on the ground and residents as they survey the damage done. Watch CNN’s coverage:
00:00 – 5:42 CNN’s Isabel Rosales is on scene in Hillsborough County, Florida, where major flooding has overtaken a street near the University of South Florida.
05:43 – 17:27 CNN’s Randi Kaye reports on the destruction across the state in the wake of Milton, while CNN’s Jake Tapper talks with FEMA acting director of response and recovery Keith Turi.
17:28 – 22:30 CNN takes a ride on an amphibious vehicle to tour the flooding.
22:31 – 26:05 North Port resident Cheryl Bernatowicz tells CNN about how her home was destroyed by Milton, and how multiple hurricanes and the damage they left on her home have changed her views on living in Florida.
26:06 – 28:56 Bob Slicker, whose restaurant was damaged by Hurricane Helene describes putting rebuilding on hold while preparing for Hurricane Milton for less than two weeks prior.
#CNN #news
Why ''Milton''?? Don't they have other names?
A mear drop in the ocean!wait for the second Coming of christ!😢
show milton
R these house brick n tile or prefab houses
“Unrelentless rain”.;;How long did it not go on?
We pray for you. May the God of New heaven and New Earth locate you and have mercy upon
When you see such , plz seek God's face. Be humble
how do u even get rid of all that water
I worked at James A Haley VA within 3 blocks of there. I've never seen anything like this.
Not a single news about NC. It's like old news at this point. So sad. Let's not forget about them.
Why weren't the elderly people evacuated before the hurricane?
Send money to israel lel
Weather and this planet is unpredictable. Florida has hurricanes and East Asia has earthquakes and tsunamis. Island has almost constant volcanic eruptions. Italy has Mount Vesuvius and Portugal and France get those gigantic waves from the Atlantic. In 1622 when the famous Atocha ship sank by Florida Keys there was a huge hurricane around Sept 6 1622 and then about a month later around October 5th 1622 almost in the same spot – back to back hurricanes in Flordia – about 400 years ago. Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico get Hurricanes. For all things are possible with God.
Dont say look at thiìiìis you have to stop bloodsheding in muslims becouse you attack Palestine they are not your enemy but you are the ememy off allaaaaaah and all mumin and babies
Boss will still be like "I made it in so you can too"
Amphibious vehicles? You mean boats. Lmao.
Insurance companies are ripping people off for decades.
No body is there and no one is coming. Get used to it.
Now this woman sitting in her car hysterical knows how people feel in tornado-stricken areas. I do.
She looks like Sarah Connor on Terminator 2
Why wasn’t the assisted living evacuated before this happened? The owner of the facility should be charged for moving these people after it floods.
That is Fowler just east of I-75. Wow.
Florida, New York, California, the Bermuda Triangle that sank the United States. In 1970 the Florida population was 6 million, today 2024 nearly 23 million. They have somehow added 17 million people in 50 years. 1970 population of illinois 11 million, 2024 12.5 million, illinois added 1.5 million. Florida added 17 million. You've heard of haarp? Located in Mexico and every island in the Caribbean. They pump those storms up with so much microwave energy and heat and steer them. Florida is costing over a hundred billion a year. Since haarp and hurricane Andrew in 1994, 50 100 150 billion a year. 25 named storms per year, at least 6 to 10 hitting some part of Florida. Georgia Pacific can't sell enough plywood and OSB. Building materials. The average lifespan of a Florida house is what 10 years? Mortgages, insurance, schools, government buildings, ambulances, police, fire and rescue, taxes. 23 million people with 8 20 billion dollar disasters? Average home price 600,000 plus. You thought California was expensive?
Between George in Iraq and Afghanistan at 200 billion and Jeb in Florida at 100 billion per year, somebody is either making alot of money or losing alot of money. Military Industrial Complex, weaponized weather, weapons of mass destruction, um like in the Caribbean directed at the united states? Um, Maybe, um could be, um probably. Um, Emma E Booker is where? You know? Maybe we should emma e book out of Florida and declare it like Puerto Rico before we all go bankrupto. LLXIIX77
ill bet they Had F 5 Twisters
May God of Mary save you from all these mess ! You Americans ! why do not you for a minute stand nation wide and pray and cry to the true God and creater of this world ? this killer haricane never comes out of nothing but from we all humans' sin done on earth don't doubt it shall stop if you stand in faith before him !!!
This haricane i believe is a hint and sign of calling us out of our evil act !
May God of hosts put his mercy up on the united states of america ! 🙏🙏🙏