TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK | Funny Fails Of Week | Instant Regret Fails Compilation 2024 #197
In this video, from unbelievable mishaps to funny blunders, this idiots at work compilation showcases the most amusing and unexpected situations on the job. Don’t miss out on the laughter – watch the full idiots at work compilation now and share the fun with your friends!
▽ Timestamps:
0:28 | Idiots at work compilation
7:04 | Bad day at work
12:27 | Instant Regret
13:31 | Funny fails moment
21:15 | Incredible Moment
23:16 | Lucky moment
26:15 | like a boss
27:30| Animal moments
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TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK | Bad Day At Work | Instant Regret Fails Compilation 2024 #197
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So funny.. I can't stop laughing.
I like how the cyclist immediately surrendered to the moose.
I don't understand how their are so many guys that are sexist. Like seriously you came from a female idiot -_-
This video is like a bag of chips; I can’t stop at just one! How many times have you rewatched it?
Amazing how uncoordinated humans can be at the worst times, tripping over their own legs.
good time!
The best fails come from idiots at work compilation! 🌟
Never thought I’d laugh so much at work fails
Work fails have never been this entertaining! Thanks, idiots at work compilation! 😂
Nothing beats the look of shock after an instant regret fail! 😄
Every clip in idiots at work compilation is funnier than the last! 😆
26:30 – How did this go from a good idea to a disaster so fast?
vids just made my day so much brighter! 😆
10:32 I LIKE GIRL 😍😍 MY GF
thumbnail in monaco?????????????????????????????????????????
moment is so funny it should come with a warning label
good job
What’s the worst part of this fail: the fall or the face they made? Instant regret fails?
From “this will be epic” to “this was a mistake” in seconds