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Hairless Street Dog Transforms From Stone to Beautiful & This Rescue Video is Better Than Any at The Dodo.
Mange is the most awful looking disease that is probably the easiest to fix. Even in such terrible shape as Oscar, Helen and Bella. To adopt any dog from Viktor Larkhill & Let’s Adopt International, send Viktor an email: v.larkhill@gmail.com
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
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http://www.WA2S.org/WA2S-Films 818.561.5109 Studio
Your donation is the link between these dogs dying a horrible death or living the best possible life they can with the help of Viktor Larkhill and his famous team saving lives every day. For the cost of a cup of coffee you can ensure these beautiful creatures know what it means to feel love from humans, and not pain. Thank you for helping Viktor show love to these creatures much less fortunate. Use the YouTube Giving button to the right and below this video, 100% of the donations processed through YouTube Giving go directly to the dogs care.
Your love for animals is unbelievable, God bless them so that they can look after more and more sick puppies who cannot help themselves, who cannot find even their own food and shelter. God sees you for what you have done to those who need help. You are a blessing to those innocent puppies. Great job Bros and sisters 👍👍👍
동물학대 죽일놈들같으니~~~~~~~~~
동물들 장난감 아닙니다 처음부터 키우지모세요 이런거같으면 키우지마세요 동물들도 얼마나 아프고 괴롭고 고통받게합니까 동물도 생명입니다 구조해주셔서 고맙습니다 처벌해주세요인간도아닙니다 쓰레기같은놈 수의사님 진심으로 감사드릴니다 축복많이 받으세요 감사 합니다 아가 꽃길만걷자 힘내고 사랑한다아가 인간들죄인있다 미안해 아가건강해~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
처벌해주세요 동물학대 이거 벌받아야합니다 동물도 생명입니다 사람하고똑같습니다 말은못하지만 생명체입니다 몹쓸인간들 정신병자같은놈 어리썩은놈
눈물납니다 너무 가엾워요 불쌍해요
인간들잔인합니다 동물들이뭐가죄가있다고 이런짓합니까 동물생명체입니다 존재입니다 학대 하지마세요 구조해주셔서 고맙습니다 수의사님 진심으로 감사드릴니다 건강하세요 아가 꽃길만 걷자 건강해 사랑한다 인간들이 죄인있다 미안해 진심으로 미안해~~~~~❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Pauvres bêtes. Ça me met hors de moi, .. merci d' être là pour les aider à avoir une vie meilleure.
boa noite amigo muito bom trabalho Deus abençoe você 🙏🌹🌷
Meu Deus que mãos abençoada Deus abençoe todos vocês
04:12 The dog is smiling! I'm happy. Thank you to all the family
Thank you Vet
Meu Deus! Como é lindo esse anjinho! Quais foram os miseráveis que deixaram ele ficar desse jeito?? Ah mas vão pagar muito caro! Deus não dorme!!
The dog must be very painful. Thank you very much for saving the poor dog😢😢Happy happy see the dog again❤
One more sad thing is that when people see dogs in tragic conditions instead of help they kick them out wich is a horrible abuse and no mercifuly atittud toward them. Thank you for rescue him in an urgently need to be save suffering on extreme an expierience of pain completly alone. Thank you millions, what a blessing change
Sorry I see you did 😢
What this stray needs is good food. God bless those who adopted stray in distressed!
Thank you so so much for saving that poor baby with a lots of love and care and give a new
beautiful life back. You are the special angel from heaven, God bless you and that baby, too.
Why is this happening in your country??
Terima kasih orang yang sangat berbaik hati,semoga anda diberikan kesehatan dan panjang umur,jadi bisa menolong mahluk hidup yang lain,semoga semua mahluk hidup berbahagia dan terbebas dari penderitaan.
Razlika između ljudi i ČOVEKA,je očigledna,u preporodu ovih divnih bića.Hvala, PLEMENITI ČOVEČE.😊❤
Thank you so much.❤
Ne çirkin hayvan
csodálatos segítő emberek vagytok ❤❤❤
Слезы… Спасибо этим людям, здоровья❤❤❤ Питер
Am crying.
U people so curel.
Be like a human being.
God bless U.
Wouah merci pour la deuxième vidéo la complicité avec les autres chien
Je suis choquée j ai pas les mots sinon un grand merci à toutes c personnes❤❤❤❤❤
Как же они молча терпят все страшенные боли!Без слез и воплей!Без добрых людей никуда!Только мы можем остановить их непосильные страдания!Здоровья всем тем, кто не проходит мимо и исправляют чужие,даже не назовеш это ошибкой(зверство)!
Тут никакой коментарий в голову не лезет!Сплошная боль
Pobrecito con ese dolor fia y noche dufrimiendo abandono😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤😊😊❤❤😂😂😂
Κύριε ελέησον πώς μπορεί..κάποιος να βλέπει αυτό το αθώο ζώο ..να βασανίζεται με αυτήν τήν αρωστια και να το αφήνει να χειροτερεύει κάθε μέρα μόνο ένα αμιαλλος βλακες μπορεί να κάνει αυτό .Αυτός πού το έχει κάνει αγαπά μόνο τον εαυτό του ούτε τούς ανθρώπους δεν πιστεύω να..αγαπά..Για έτσι ανθρώπους ένα πράγμα τούς μένει να κάνουν να προσευχηθουν στον σατανά..Συγχαρητήρια παιδιά πού κάνετε θαυμάσια δουλειά και σώσατε ακόμη μια αθώα ψυχή είστε όλοι σάς άγγελοι
!!! Que maravilla! Hace Dios con su gente!!! Gracias! que nunca te falte nada.