Nate Bargatze talks about going to community college, not knowing what extra virgin olive oil is and abusing the DoorDash app.
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#SNL #SNL50 #Coldplay #NateBargatze
I love that Handsome Nate is still Dumb Nate
He’s funny because we have all done some of that dumb shit! So relatable!
Came here searching for his first SNL monologue to find he’s done another one! Winner 🎉
Johns Mountain
He was looking for the "light virgin" olive oil… you'll find it in specialty stores, in a separate little room to the back, with maybe a beaded curtain and an age-restriction of 21.
Well done to Nate, and congratulations!!!!!
This monologue is just an advertisement for DoorDash and fast food places
I'm from California but I've been living in Alabama for a few years now, and one thing that bothers me is how people here pronounce oil like Nate does. So I get it.
Garcia Elizabeth Garcia Sarah Gonzalez Matthew
First funny cold open in decades
I'm so glad he got to host twice I hope he makes it to the five timers club!!!!!!!!!!! Nate you are hilarious!
The musicians on the right are expressing my feelings. Is this guy supposed to be funny? It is the equivalent of listening to T-rump's speech. An awful word salad.
I have watched several of Nate's stand-up routines over the last year or so, laughed out loud from the git-go. I had no doubt he would nail it on SNL and that's what he did. I know that almost nervous feeling of "will this guy be funny or will he flop?" Didnt have to be nervous about this guy though! I wonder if feature films might be next for him? I don't really care, because I don't think it would be a big deal to Nate either way. I mean, it probably WOULD, but in his "comedy head" he'd be so laid back about it. He's a gem though, and I wish him nothing but the best!
Anderson Anna Taylor Kevin Hall Kenneth
I love Nate but it keeps bothering me that he says "farm factory to table" instead of "factory farm". I feel like someone should have corrected him on that before he went big with that joke lol
Is that a Leisure Suit?
He is my favorite😂🤍
I would have loved if two Door Dash guys showed up at the end of his monologue from opposite end of the stage…
Nate is just that human that you know will make you laugh just by the blank look on his face, he is so intriguing like you never know where he will take the punchline 😂😂😂
Impossible not to like Nate
Coldplay "are' here.
That was the best monologue in a long time.
who da f is nate bargatze? snl is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with celebrity guests this season
Thompson Christopher Thomas Brian Hernandez Sarah
This guy looks like he does whippets with roller derby girls in a Houston hotel room.
This guy was great on the show, really good vibes. Man I've wanted to host this show since I was a kid. Still kind of a dream
Yea I know grape is a fruit , why do you keep saying it like that?
Nate is hilarious! I'm so glad to see him here. I laughed hard!
HA! He's funny!
Hilarious!! I love that he’s on here , the skit he did with foo fighters ( Dave grohl ) lake beach is gold 😅Hilarious
That was so boring. I’m stone faced listening to that. Door dash jokes? Really for your big day on SNL?
He's the absolute best!!!!!
This is the only Nate B routine I have not laughed at. Very surprised.
I love it when actual comedians host SNL. Nate was amazing again.
This was the most unfunny monologue I have ever seen on SNL. Along with Steven Seagal and Megan Thee Stallion. 🚮
Nate seems like he is on kings of comedy tour.
Love Nate!!!