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Psychotherapist Georgia Dow delves into Kinger’s memory loss from The Amazing Digital Circus, hypothesizing the cause behind his fading memories. Drawing parallels to dementia, Georgia explores how, even with significant memory loss, core personality traits can still shine through. Join her as she uncovers the psychology behind Kinger’s character and his retained essence despite the memory gaps.
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"neuro spicy"
(Also I'm pretty sure Kinger's wife was called 'Checkmate' not 'Queenie' 8,P)
I think Kinger definitely DOES retain parts of his experiences with people, thinking about how he said to Ragatha that he remembers how stressed out and anxious she was when she first arrived at the circus. I think his genuine memories are definitely sprinkled intermittently in with his more erratic thoughts and responses.
'Neuro-spicy' is my new favorite way to refer to my neurodivergence
its a weird time for me when this episode came out
i saw how protective kinger is with pomni and knowing his backstory i get why he was once he can finally focus and recall enough memory to be normal
i didn't know this until yesterday but one of my best friends dads passed away.
when this episode came out it was a few days after he passed. and the reason i feel for kinger and feel protective like he is is due to the fact my friends dad was murdered in a road rage incident and it has hit me hard
i spent the last 24 hours on and off with crying and tearing up.
i am going through so many emotions and grief right now and its hard since it just happened
however i know as time passes i will come to accept what happened and still feel sad but at the same time value my life and my family and friends more than before
im so glad im not the only one who thought this
when i saw this episode i kept seeing eyes in the tape recorder but every time i subconsciously saw them i could see them as soon as it was becoming a conscious thing
i thought i was going insane
Would love a breakdown of Sigrid and Loki from Twilight of the Gods (Netflix)
I think the running theory for Kinger's eyes was cuz it looked like Queenie (his wife)'s abstracted form just enough to daze him.
I cant imagine any setting more overloading and high stress than this insane circus yeah
Somethign just came to me as you were talking about how people with dementia still have some core traits.
All the characters that are in the Digitial Circus do not remember their names. Seems they don not remember much of their prior life.
But here Pomni says she doesn't like jump scares … one of those traits that's not forgotten?
Also, this suggests that part of what makes Kinger, a core trait is computer science since he remembers he studied it for 7 years.
Also his wife. If they don't remember (most of it) life before the Circus, then does that mean Kinger and Queenie got married after they arrived in the circus
I believe Kinger works on a Gen 1 PC design which will have more flaws than the Gen Pomni uses. He has more free processor power when he doesn't require visual stimulation.
This video makes me miss my mom
Memories are powerful, even the ones who aren't the happiest, but still leave an impact. In Harry Potter, dementors are evil spirits that feed on the trauma of others, causing the victims to fall into depression, or in Harry's case, pass out. The key to defeat them is to think of your happiest memories, while casting the Patronus- charm. Harry beat them by focusing on the time he first saw his parents in the Mirror of Erised. It wasn't "happy" per se but still powerful enough to beat the dementors.
Kinger's memory of his wife- even when already abstracted- is enough to survive in this madhouse, and even help others survive, in the right circumstances.
Kinger could become a therapist too!❤
Can you talk about sweatpea ?
the thing about jax is… he obviously has control issues, he likes to be the center of attention and often acts like an actual troll, and i suspect that getting "abstracted" is what happens when you lose your mind a wee bit too much and the system just cant handle your form anymore so you turn into an aggressive amorphous blob covered in multicolored eyes… you dont want to give sensitive information about a nice person on the brink to a literal troll like jax.
If not crazy. How about random or chaotic? Stop acting so chaotic, or She's a little random at times.
For the longest time before viewing Episode 3, I was thinking Kinger withdrawing into his pillow fort was an extension of a E5 fixation. But I love how this episode managed to completely recontextualize his character.
i want your robe 😱😱😭
I would like to know how official a term “neuro-spicy” is.
Kinger is just perfect
My favorite part of the whole video is that, on occasion, the camera focuses on Kinger's head instead of you and I just found that kinda funny.
Crazy, I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room full of rats, and rats make me crazy.
24:14 i have a feeling that Kinger at that moment in the darkness of the mansion still remebered.
He knew they'd be back to the circus and he WOULD forget. So he wanted to make sure that Pomni would be okay. Then right after getting back he builds his fort again, more than likly in the hopes to reinforce this memory. To keep as much of if as he can.
My interpretation anyways.
That Kinger head is perfect
you should do a vid on TF One's D-16/Megatron and how he react to his worldview being shattered
I am a chaotic gremlin, And I am proud to be a chaotic grem. I'm proud to have golden cracks upon my skin. They show where I've been, and what I have overcome, And what I still need to overcome. I know nobody would be able to tell. But don't see the term broken the same way most people see it. I think of the broken pots with the gold cracks. I think that I shouldn't have to be ashamed of being broken. So I always said, and I always felt after that that I was proud to be broken. I mean not that I have it fixed a lot. Am I fixed I need made improvements to my life to better support myself and have a better life for myself. By changing my environment and learning new coping skills, and all that.
But I guess I think what I've been trying to say is. I guess I don't know it's the whole not being broken vs is not being ashamed of it. For me the words broken and fixed don't mean your brain needs to be fixed. But it's healing like if your phone was broken you put a caster on it. Sub metaphorically your heart was broken. I guess I would only use the term broken for pain of the heart. But I would never use that term for any mental health conditions or conditions that you're born with.
I guess that's the difference not all mental health equals broken. Add broken doesn't have to be bad. Like a broken heart it can heal and be repaired. Through trust self-acceptance love therapy and learning and growing a better understanding yourself and standing up for yourself and doing what you need to do for yourself. Taking care of yourself.
lotta games back in the day were dark to cut down on loading things that the player can't see, aka less things is easier to process, just like the chessman here
With elevators it's all of the above. Got stuck in a broken one time. But for some reason returned to the ground floor. Safely and I took the stairs
King is afraid of the light. Mostly cause his wife turned evil during it and when she was in the dark she was calm. So he felt way more comfortable in the dark cause of that event. I feel
TADC at the beginning: Psyhological horror show
TADC so far: motherfucking tear jerker.
Crazy is a word. Don't be afraid of it. You ever notice the more politically correct someone tries to get the bigger and fancier the words they try to use? If someone is out of their mind, they're crazy
24:39 I would like to comment that I have a feeling that Pomni knows Jax is there to be a jerk so she gives him a standoffish answer so he doesn't have much to work with. The alternative would be Pomni defending Kinger and telling Jax that he's wrong but this is JAX we are talking about, he WANTS people to get angry and argue with him. Yes, it sounds bad at first but I honestly think it was the best thing to say in the moment.
“This is a very inconvenient lore placement”
My personal theory is "Sanity is a delusion perpetuated by the masses to make them believe there is nothing wrong with them," do with that what you will.
I was assuming that kinger being hypnotised by the lights inside the Angel's mouth was reference to the clown Pennywise from the movies/books IT, there the monster hypnotised their preys with lights inside their mouth.
I think Pomni was saying “it wasn’t that bad actually” more in response to Jax’s words. “So what was it like being stuck with the nut case” seems like a really negative experience that Jax was expecting Pomni to have had but then she was like “no it wasn’t as bad as you thought”. Just how I interpreted it anyway
As someone who has Autism and ADHD, I found Kinger’s ability to function better in darkness pretty relatable. She has a point about how information overload can make it much more difficult to recall things most of the time. It can be frustrating for all parties when I have a more difficult time recalling things that were said, or memories of what I witnessed because there are so many things my mind is trying to process at once (both in the memory, and in the present). Being in a space that tones down the sensory overload can make it much easier to problem solve and even recall things.