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А что в Караде паьмы растут???
J us saprote man us жаль!😢
🙌🙌🙌🌍🌧️✋✝️✝️✝️😭😭😭⛪⛪⛪🙌🙌🙌👭🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑✝️🕊️🇨🇴😭Dios mio Dios mio 🙌🙌 padre celestial
God please have mercy 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Meu Jeová Deus tem misericórdia desse povo não permita que aconteça o pior por favor Meu pai 😊
Pray to all people safety❤
God bless the
Repent Jesus Christ is coming back very soon
When it was happened in canada
Советский Союз сдерживал этих сволочей. Нелюди.
Ooh God save your people
Is everywhere in Canada
Слово Бог пишется с большой букви
Когда в нашем городке начинается буря я на улице или у окна начинаю читат Отче наш и Богородице Дево радуйся и так до тех пор пока не утихнет.
God forgive our sins, protect Your people Lord!
русские пышут люди одумайтесь -а напышите ви Путину.Охороняй Боже Канаду и народ этой страны !!!
Есть вещи, которые врагу не пожелаешь, всем наверное любви, её ищите сами
God's intervention
THANK YOU, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, for YOUR INTERVENTIONS AND MERCY! If it weren't for THE LORD, hurricane Milton would not have lost its strength and would have caused terrible tragedies!
THANK YOU, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, for YOUR INTERVENTIONS AND MERCY! If it weren't for THE LORD, hurricane Milton would not have lost its strength and would have caused terrible tragedies!
Oh Lord God, Jehova, have mercy for the people at Canada
ايوا نفس الشي انا ادعي من أجل امريكا وكندا اللهم حرق امريكا وكندا
We should repent Jesus is coming back soon 🔜🔜🙏 repent
I speak Jesus over people of Canada ❤
Woe to those who put their trust in this world and not in God who created the world
May the Almighty God have mercy
Remember your mercies ooh God
Oh Lord my God our saviour we are all sinners please forgive us and have mercy on us through you have power for stopping this storm
😂iiyha itu kadan kitaah nahateiii 🇲🇨🌏👍🎍🙇📝🏡🏝️🏞️🤔🙏
Lord Jesus pray for us protect all people
Бог справедлив он долго терпел бесчинство хамство этих народов ! Они ни кого не хотят слушать можеть. Бог поствит их на колени
This storm happen in Switzerland
Just happen 200 k.m.for 1 our.
This storm is not in Canada..but is happen at flarida USA.
Estas personas que andan por ahí, deambulando… de verdad que son rebeldes. Bajo su propio riesgo
Ini tanda tanda kebesaran Allah.. Allah kuasa atas segalanya yg terjadi dan yang Dia inginkan terjadi.. manusia hanya makhluk ciptaanNya yang lemah tak berdaya..jika saja kita mau kembali padaNya dengan sungguh² maka hanya Allah lah yang sebaik-baiknya pemberi pertolongan 🤲🙏🙏🙏
Fray to the true god is Allah.. 🤲🙏