Top 6 Worst Deaths on Everest in Human History

Top 6 Worst Deaths on Everest in Human History
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The most infamous disasters at Mountain Everest:
1. Tsewang Paljor May 11, 1996
2. David Sharp May 15, 2006
3. Sergei Arsentiev & Francys Arsentiev, 1998
4. Scott Fischer, May 11, 1996
5. Doug Hansen, 1996
6. George Mallory & Andrew Irvine, 1924

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About the Author: ECHOES


  1. If I start to get extremely sick and no one helps me and I end up dieing my soul wouldn't leave them alone for the rest of their lifes, it would come every night to look into the eyes of each one that had abandoned me.

  2. Говорить СЕРДЖЕЙ АРСЕНТИЕВ 😂😂😂😂 вместо Сергей Арсентьев – это максимальное неуважение к материалу, который ты собираешь
    Отписываюсь 😂😂😂😂😂

    +cringe, incompetent author

  3. Anyone upset by this is not a extreme sport enthusiast or a member of the community, cave divers have thesame rules about leaving a person behind, everyone knows the rules before a expedition.

  4. Frances and Sergei were selfish. They deserted their son. No excuse. Without supplemental 02, they were especially foolish – making it even more deadly.

  5. Everest has become so commercialised that you are more likely to meet someone who has not had a McDonald's happy meal than someone who has summited Everest, Everest is also the highest waste disposal site on God's green Earth.

  6. Sergei Arsentiev and Francys Arsentiev both won the worst parent in the world -price when climbing Mount Everest. They had 11 year old son, who pleaded them not to go, and decided that risking their lives and making a name for themselves was more important than their child. I hope that poor boy has found some closure in his lifetime.

  7. What most do not mention is that some Sherpas did try to rescue David Sharp. His legs were nearly frozen solid with frostbite and he couldn't walk. They tried to move him but after only being able to move him a few meters, they had to give up. They tried this for several hours. A climber also gave him extra oxygen, but it was too late. Nobody at that point could rescue him. And it was his own bad choices that put him into that situation. He should have taken more oxygen with him and at least climbed with a Sherpa or with a team and not all by himself. He also should never have sat down to rest. This is what ultimately brought him to his demise. It is a very sad story, but nobody could have rescued him at that altitude without him being able to walk by himself. The Sherpas tried and it sadly wasn't possible.

  8. I hate crowds and I cannot imagine wanting to risk my life in a crowd. Wasting all that energy and money on no good for mankind boggles my mind. Supreme narcissism.

  9. I agree with the ‘No Rescue” on Everest. Climbers know the risks and this fact before they start, they can’t expect other climbers to abandon their own climbs, or put themselves in danger if something goes wrong for someone. It is an implied, written and therefore accepted risk climbers take before they start.

  10. This may be a bit er, tacky. But as for getting all the bodies down, could u put them in an inflatable bubble and then just roll them down the mountain? Not exactly dignified or respectable but….

    Just a random thought from a potato head

  11. Most people who go up there are egoistic maniacs who spend thousands of dollars, just to get a bragging right that they climbed on the top of the highest mountain on Earth… And then what? Why is that such an achievement? Would it help the world in some way? I can't understand how these people think. It's like they have a death wish. I watched Everest last night for the first time and seeing what they've gone through, the only thing I can think of is "Why are they doing this? Why did they have to go there? All of these tragedies will not happen if they haven't even started it. And for what? Leaving their families behind for glory and self satisfaction?" If that's not selfishness, I don't know what that is. Unless it's really for a good cause, I don't have respect for those people's madness. It's somehow a form of suicide, if you ask me.

  12. Ppl ignore the risks and deaths and expect others to risk their lives when they at least chose to be prepared that’s not indifference that’s just valuing their lives enough to at least follow some precautions

  13. You want to know the definition of stupid you're looking at it…There are way more things I would do with my money then commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide on Everest… Which as we know today is nothing but a garbage heap

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