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About the Author: Vargas Daily


  1. So not only is it filmed with a camera that didn't exist back then, but the person filming didn't want to miss getting this captured instead of trying to rescue the person falling.

  2. Because we had video recording in 1896 I truly worry about the human race because it seems to me that while our technology progresses the intelligence of the average person is continually digressing just because you can read and write your own name does truly make you literate

  3. Truely sad with all the fakes. Thats why it is so easy to discount the REAL shit when it does happen. Bravo, bravo. Thank you for letting me support your bs

  4. Goofy dude makes a goofy video based on lies. THIS is why you shouldn't believe everything on the internet. Look for the video where the guy explains how and why he did it.

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