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About the Author: Elite Force TV


  1. House i grew up in was over 100 years old at that time, closer to 150 now, oldest record we have found of it was as an established schoolhouse for children in 1870 and a couple tintypes from 1888, one of the first buildings built in the area. Was very haunted, it had later been a church and then a house. Since me and my siblings moved away the house has settled down. Many stories, as a child I thought everyone experienced this.

  2. I used to be skeptical but had an encounter at my sister and brother in law's new house. I was crashing at their place because no one was home, closed the bedroom door, and was getting in bed. Suddenly, someone/something pounded on my bedroom door; 3 huge knocks. I ran outta the room, thinking it was my brother in law. I thought maybe they came home early. No one was home. All the doors and windows were locked. I was alone. That's when the fear set in. You don't fully believe until you have a brush with something like that. Whatever hit that door sounded huge and menacing. I'm a believer now man

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