Delphi Case Video Compilation Part 1 over the years #delphicase #delphi #abbyandlibby #delphitrial #richardallen
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These videos are series of videos showing the evolution over the years of the case using all my old videos not Live streams on the homicide case of Abby and Libby in Delphi Indiana. Richard Allen has been charged with the homicides and the trial will begin Next Week
GHI The Missing Network
Book by my brother Grant Hughes
On Earth’s Altar
Dyatlov Pass
Death of nine
Vivid wing (Cairo and Becca)
Custom Freak Box (D&K Reck)
Freak Family Mugs
Other mugs
CrimeCon promo
Personal Paranormal
car jumper
Iphone membership link
streamLabs Donation with FaceMask
Scene of the crime: delphi
My Gear!
Mavic Mini
GoPro Hero Black
Mavic 2 pro
Razer Kiyo
Rode NT1 Cardioid Microphone
Yamaha MG10XU
buc-ee’s beaver nuggets
3 men and a mystery
TIPS grayhuze2@gmail.com
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email: grayhuze2@gmail.com
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Gray, you probably won't see this, but I have such a deep respect for your work. I wish I had a fraction of your skill set.
Thanks for doing these videos Gray!
Thanks for the great content! ❤
So this was a crime of opportunity? Wow. Thats so unfortunate 😢
Oh heck this is done really well 😮❤
I watched one out of order but glad to rewatch them all. I have something to do tonight! Thank you!!! ❤
Do you still think Kevin's dad was involved or only Rick?
Thank you for doing this!! ❤
Love the foreboding music, Gray.
Thank you for all you do. 🙂
Just a note to subscribers ! Please check that you are subscribed. I have been for years, and noticed today that I wasn’t. This has happened before on other channels.
There is a video of that man next to a tree, the video is located exactly where it was taken and they say they could not deduct the height of the suspect? Really?????? Really?????? How about u measure THE TREE, it did not grow that much during a few days!!!!
That last debunking, with the blinking on and off, is so amazing, Gray! Great work 👏
Gotta love Holman, very kind king of the understatement there. Facebook groups and posts are making their investigation more challenging 😳 they have to follow-up on all these crazy tips. I feel sorry for law enforcement too, Gray and I applaud them for doing their utmost to protect the integrity of the investigation. Of course, this lunacy must have been hell for the poor family members. Disgusting people 😒
🤣🤣that's a cartoon world. In the real world, dogs don't have outlines, okay 👌
Remember the ex detective who came into the case 5 years later and definitely declared "the photo of Abby is photoshopped". If you mention it later, forgive me. Im writing comments as I go.
🤣🤣now here is what they say is the suspect. It looks more like a tree 🌳 I loved the way you said that. So deapan. A thing of beauty, Gray.
😅 love the squished face there in the railroad tie, Gray. Crazy.
Oh christ 😳 great debunking, Gray. I'm with you about your concern that these flips could make it to a jury member 😮 embarrassing is kind, Gray. If they can't even spell encourage, I'm already wary, before I check the woods for faces and random vehicles. Bless your heart, Gray. You've got more patience than I do. So troubling.
Thankyou Gray ❤ great video 👍 watching this, it still blows me away how incredibly lucky the killer (who we now know is Richard Allen) is, with the timing of his strike. It's remarkable that there were no other people in front of the girls on the bridge or behind them, as he checked obviously. Anything could have happened to stop him from carrying out his plan, but so sadly, it didn't 😔 unbelievable when you think about it.
Thanks your hard work shows
Respect to you for seven years of hard work and long hours, exceptional dedication, and top quality content on this infamous double child killing. No one, here or on mainstream news media, has done it better.
If there were awards for YouTube true crime videos, your work on the Delphi murders would surely sweep the board. Had police only matched your high standards and attention to detail, Richard Allen would have been prosecuted and jailed long ago!
The horrific fate that befell Libby and Abby in broad daylight, at a well-used area of natural beauty where they expected to be safe – and should have been – is every parent's worst nightmare.
Either Richard Allen is the unluckiest guy in the world to have followed the victims (as proven on Libby's video), seconds before another guy abducted and killed them, or he is the killer. I'm in no doubt he's 'Bridge Guy' and therefore the guilty man. I just hope prosecutors have built a strong case. The crazy delay in identifying and charging Allen is squarely down to the deeply flawed police investigation, and will inevitably have compromised the quality of the evidence against him.
Your commitment to truth and accuracy has been invaluable in correcting all the sensationalism and misinformation that's dogged the case from day one. The multiple wrong moves by police added to that confusion. Once the trial is put to bed, Supt Doug Carter and the rest of the Keystone Cops should be held fully accountable for their mistakes – blunders which left a highly dangerous sex predator/child killer at large for years.
I'm intrigued by something, and hope you can help. The section around @1:08 where you discuss all the fake news around supposed images of the suspect lurking in the trees/shadows behind Abby, in that now all too familiar image of her on the bridge, leaves me with a question. Where was the killer at that time?
I think one of your recent, excellent timeline videos stated he had already seen the girls, and was hanging back watching/stalking them, as they proceeded across the bridge. So was he simply too far behind them to feature in the background of any images? Or could he have been hiding somewhere?
I'm curious to know if you believe Allen killed before. It's surely unlikely a crime as audacious as this one – a double child homicide in broad daylight – was his first murder?
Thanks for your magnificent reporting on the Delphi murders Gray, wishing you a fantastic and very well deserved vacation.
How terrifying for those teenage girls!
Thank you for putting all this together! Looking forward to watching them all. Great way to lead up to the trial👍🏻
Have fun on your vacation, Gray!
One thing I've always been confused about, if Richard Allen is the killer, or involved, why on earth would he walk on the path knowing he was going to pass X amount of people who would all be able to describe him to the police? I've been to this place and it would have be SO easy to stay out of sight until you reached the bridge. There's so many trees and a lot of dense foliage. He passed people and made little to no attempt to even disguise himself. If you do that and then go on to murder some girls in the same location, you have to be more than a little bit simple or you simply don't care about being caught.
Looks like a normal girl pose.
Thank you for being so logical, seriously. With all these cases, you are a voice of reason. Proud to be a freak!
Did the girls always go walking there maybe they stalked them
Was this a regular thing for the girls to do
The woman talking has a creepy voice
Enjoy your time away, Gray!