Well we’re officially three quarters of the way through 2024. And if you’ve been tuning into the channel for awhile now, you know that that can only mean one thing — it’s time for another edition of Dumbest Criminals, our quarterly recurring series where we take a look at some of the dumbest criminals and crime stories that we’ve covered so far in a given year on Crimes of the Week.
One thing to keep in mind is that these segments have not been edited since they appeared in their respective lists, so minor details and things like specific charges may have been updated since we first covered them on Crimes of the Week. Also, if you like these videos be sure to let us know in the comments section below, as well as keep an eye out for a similar one at the end of the week where we’ll be covering stories exclusively from our Crimes of the Week International series. With that out of the way, let’s get into it!
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00:00 – Intro
00:57 – Lebanon, Missouri
03:35 – Winter Haven, Florida
05:30 – Edina, Minnesota
10:10 – Hilliard, Ohio
12:44 – Zanesville, Ohi
16:16 – Vero Beach, Florida
18:05 – Bennet, Nebraska
21:29 – Michigan City, Indiana
23:43 – Lealman, Florida
25:44 – Georgetown, South Carolina
28:24 – New Haven, Connecticut
30:29 – Burlington, Iowa
31:54 – Gulfport, Mississippi
33:40 – Laveen, Arizona
35:34 – Bridgeton, New Jersey
37:18 – Portage, Indiana
39:25 – Memphis, Tennessee
41:45 – Las Vegas, Nevada
43:46 – Alamo, Tennessee
45:42 – Houston, Texas
DISCLAIMER: We put considerable time and effort into ensuring that all of the materials used in each Crime Zone video fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of any materials and have an issue with its use, please send an email to: nigel@shazzu.com and we will respond as quickly as possible.
#CrimeZone #truecrime #dumbestcriminals
Thanks guys!! Love these uploads. 🇦🇺😊
The kid who texted the cop 100% was paranoid as a mother fxcker definitely looking out his windows and or locked himself in his basement 😂😂
Are you actually gunna show the vids of these people do bad shit😂 so this is just a narrated slideshow video basically🙄🤦🏼♂️
The first one is so sick!
Who could grow up normal with a last name like Pancake? 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ Although I did go to school with a kid who was adopted from foster care and had his middle name legally changed from Edward to Turkey Sub.
The body cam footage of the buffet woman being arrested at Apple Bee's is even funnier. After cops show her the sign that says "per person", she still complained and tried to talk her way out of it. She also tried to claim she was only giving family members the food she didn't like lol. Why the hell are you taking food from a buffet that you don't like? Dumber than a sack of gravel. Ashamed of nothing, offended by everything.
Why you got Amy slaten in the thumbnail? Doing poor Amy dirty like that
Reported you for hateful and abusive content. Be a little more professional instead of selling your soul and integrity for attention and money.
What if some of these people have learning disabilities? Still name call and bully them for clout.
No respect for you.
How tf do you have over 80 charges .. and you're still walking around free? At what point do you not just put the person away and leave them there? Smh
Ok the Applebee's lady made me like this post now that was dumb lol
I don't like how these addicts and mentally ill people are called dumb. The others need Jesus, well they all need help.
Best video on YouTube by far!
the bag of drugs bags look professionally produced. i know it's meant to be a novelty item but damn so obvious. keep that shit in a closet at home.
The husband realized that Mountain Dew WAS poisonous and tasted that way naturally.
My grandfather committed suicide by drinking insecticide.
I like your voice,and that you just tell what happened,without trying to be dramatic.
Did jeep guy get sent to the jail he worked at? 😂
No cap oh my gosh people who hate cops please take note of this. Some cops are cool for someone who’s hardly ever broken any serious laws. I’ve had about 27 encounters with police in the last 49 years 17 times actually worked out to my direct benefit and 10 times let’s just say they were bad cops.😢
First thing I appear to be comment for 22nd thing I am an only child and I am no concept of having family. I’ve never had family and I’ve always been jealous with people of family, but I think I would rather have no sister then that horrible sister from that horrible family, I got too many fights with my ex-wife one was over Candace soup one was over a B one was over the fact that she was above average height for women in America. I was right about all of them. I was wrong to be so stubborn I was wrong to marry someone so stubborn, but it never got physical cause we’re functional human beings. I feel so sorry for this family. It’s all the parents fault for teaching, nothing useful to their kids. It’s so sad. I feel sorry for all them. I weep for all of America and the world.😢
I could listen to you read a phone directory and love it ❤
I don’t mean to make light of a serious situation but not only was this guy stupid enough to marry a woman who wanted to murder him and he was stupid enough to purchase and drink diet Mountain Dew, but he’s so stupid as to have realized diet Mountain Dew tasting even worse than it normally does and still drink it anyway I mean, I feel sorry for how pathetic these people are and she may be a malicious monster and he’s just a pathetic idiot, but I hope the best for him❤❤❤
I think you should put the police and DA's, on these videos too
This is what you get when mental health care is ignored. good luck
Her younger sister picked up her sisters kids? she's not any better.
Silly Goose is a narc. 🤮
pic is of a different Polk County Jail.
Simonetti sounds like a Kamala Harris relative
Don’t mess with Sheriff Judd
Hey guys! The Safari Park is on HWY 412 between Dyersburg and Jackson. Cool place to go! They even have a drive-in. What Slaton was doing in Alamo is crazy. Poor camel.
That women deserves to be put in jail for at least 10 years for her shenanigans. No matter what excuse is used someone died because of her idiocy
These people will be adults soon.
That shrimp and pasta looked awesome.
“A little song
A little dance
A little hamster
Down your pants.”
My soda tastes funny , i dont drìnk it .
I've definitely got to stop, telling everyone I'm the Emperor and new management, and they can do whatever they want! 👍💙🇺🇲🩵🌊
Dang Applebee's only wanted to add one more meal to the ticket. I need to take my family and follow her lead but pay for the extra meal
13:36 it makes me kinda mad that they arrested her….if she's been to the hospital 400xs then y'all shoulda realized she was suffering from some type of mental disorder… And shoulda gave her resources meds w .e to help this girl. Zanesville hospitals r a fkn joke! Arrested her bc y'all didn't do YOUR JOB! 'Merica!
Ok, the woman is obviously a b!tch, but how is making loud noises and putting a harmless spider on the stairs 'assault'?
Girls are like cats 🐈. They leave you if they 😡 mad. Guys are like dogs. Until abandoned 😮
Bag of Drugs gets me every time 😂😂😂
N’s are a blight on our society.
Aaaarrrgh! More commercials than network tv. Not worth watching.
Crazy azz females smh
3rd lady has been watching some Asian Andy.
LEBANON, MISSOURI??!! I live in this little $hithole town, and this does NOT surprise me at all!!