Rescue dog does the sweetest thing for a stray cat
Check out this story: https://www.instagram.com/tessa.travels/
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GeoBeats is a US-based media company focused on telling inspiring animal stories about animals from around the world. Our goal is to make people fall in love with them and promote compassion and kindness.
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In all of my experiences, both personal and others, I have found that, yes, most dogs can be trained to be service dogs with extensive training. The best and most profound dogs don't need to be trained in that manner. It's not something that's explainable for all of us to understand. There are those special dogs that just know when their human needs that little bit of help that no one else is capable of giving. There are about a dozen different reasons that are being given as explanations of why some dogs are good service dogs, why others are wonderful at it, and why there are those that are just gifted in that way. It's a sense of smell that's stronger than most. It's them learning what happens and acting on memory. Or it's that there is a very deep bond between dog and their humans. Those are the excepted reasons. The un excepted or ones most hold no beliefs in are it's a spiritual nature, a gift they were born with, or that the service dog is smarter than most gave them credit for. In my lifetime, I have had approximately 9 service animals. One cat when I was a young child, 2 huskies that have crossed the rainbow bridge, a green cheek Conor whose life was cut short, and now I have 2 chihuahuas and a bully jack Russell mix in my life. None of my service animals have had specialized training because, honestly, they didn't require it. They trained themselves in what tasks they perform to either help me (ei picking an object upto hand it to, or bringing an item that I need to me) or alerting me of a medical episode that I will experience in the next few minutes, my dogs know when these episodes are good to happen between 1-15 minutes before I notice any symptoms. For each of them, it was just something they started doing for me. My opinion is that some animals have a combination of all the given explanations and others that are not yet known to humans. I just know, and I m deeply grateful to have had and do have my service animals as my life is better and easier with them.

Incredible story. Bless your heart and stay well
She is beutyfull
She is so lovely and smart! You were meant to be her person and friend
What a different life from being chained outside to being loved
and enjoying play, exercise and a warm home. 

Thank you for giving Tessa the life she deserves!
Sweet girl!! They are sentient beings. She knows what loss is and obviously she could tell by the little cries of that orphaned or abandoned baby kitten It needed security, love & nurturing. There are a lot smarter than we are all the animals They didn't destroy this Earth and they were here for thousands and millions of years before we were. We think we have to control and "manage" their population…
) We seem to do it without forethought of the future for all of the living beings on this planet. 

If we didn't consume everything in our paths, only concerned what or how it benefits US humans… (
Our greed is perverse. I hope the other creatures can survive once we destroy ourselves because they deserved this big blue beautiful planet.
I'm not saying nature is a pretty horrific and gory. But they do have a balance that we have never learned or cared to.
That's a beautiful story
I think you needed her as much as she needed you!! So cool you found each other!!
The pet has a pet!
What a cutie
I’m so glad you adopted Tessa!! You completely changed her quality of life and she paid it forward with the kitten ♥️
They are now living their best lives
What a cute and unusual friendship! You are an amazing person! Thanks for bringing this sweetheart to your house and also that stinking cute little kitty! You could not wish for a better family! God bless you all!

Hunny bunnies!
Awww…God bless you for saving, caring for & loving Tessa!!! You saved her life, she saved the beautiful kitten & your

She gained beautiful Tessa, and hopefully dumped the terrible friends. My friend's good friend passed away suddenly, leaving 2 cats behind. His family was just going to dump his cats at the shelter. My friend was appalled and took them in. The last thing she wanted was 2 cats, and now they are the loves of her life and bring her so much joy. I know her friend is smiling in heaven,
THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Tessa is one smart dog, and a loving dog!! Yeah, not nice to tie up a dog, and such a little dog, WTH?! So glad you came and rescued her, she looks like she is having a great time….Great for her to find the kitten, and be so kind right away to this kitten, and turns out to be a sibling! Compassionate and kind owner to these two beautiful animals

Good god!
I had a Samoyed who helped me rescue so many different animals. He had such a sweet gentle soul. All animals trusted him. Birds, squirrels, cats, rabbits…
Thanks for sharing such a heart warming story. We need to hear more like them.
Verrrrrry cute!!! One big happy family!
Thank you for rescuing these animals. It’s is sweet of you.

Tessa is the spitting image of my dog . Thank you for giving her a loving home and a " pet" of her own ….. Nothing but good times ahead with this beautiful girl

Lucky Tessa!!!
I just love dogs sooo mych

Speaking about the commercial b4 this video: It's AMAZING to me that they rather KILL innocent babies. It' still called Murder. Also there's more rights for animals then our unborn. THINK ABOUT THAT!
A beautiful thing !
Precious babies
I just LOVE this channel! The stories are memorable and true. Both cats and dogs. The stories warm my heart, unlike the stories covering the horrific abuse animals can suffer from abusive owners. This is a lovely change of pace. I can cry with overwhelming LOVE for the animals that are featured and how their life impacts compassionate humans, especially those with disabilities, for both the pet or the human. I subscribed years ago and every story catches my attention and, seriously, it’s joyful throughout each and every story, how the effect of animals can turn one’s life around for the better! Thank you. This channel is reliable.

GOD Bless you and your family! Taking in this beautiful doggie@
I enjoy this video very much then. I loved this video very much then.
Perfect. Bless
There needs to be research on how dogs can smell things like fainting in advance. Our neurochemistry and their noses are more closely intertwined than we can imagine.
What a sweet little family!
Every dog needs their own cat…Tessa is adorable!
Tessa's mommy is a great human
Tessa paid it forward. You adopted her and gave her a new life, then Tessa adopted a stray kitten. Either way you put it, there's a lot of love in that house.
Powerful story!
She is definitely
happy with you and her kitten sister..thank you for saving Tessa
Glad she got you, and she is darling.. well worth the