The Black Sea Flood – Top 10 Natural Disasters

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Evidence suggests the world map was redrawn by a mega flood of a biblical proportions about 9 thousand years ago. The area now covered by the Black Sea was once home to one of the largest populations at the time. Presented by oceanographer Dr. Simon Boxall and Hristo Smolenov, PhD in logic and heuristics.



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  1. Bulgarian culture is much older than what we think and there is many, many evidences that maybe under black sea is maybe the oldest human civilization known as Baal wich after the great flood in Black sea moved down to todays israel and egypt helping them with knowedge, building cities and raising the quality of life.. Even maybe Today Bulgarians are heirs of the mythical land of Atlantis… Only really prideful nation will dare to declare war on Roman empire and that is exactly what Bulgarians did in conquest of their holy lands ! Bulgarians are not decends of turks or assians its the other way around !

  2. The highly advanced Cucuteni-Trypillian culture existed around this time or started right after the flood of the Sea, they settled from Romania through most of Ukraine along the Black Sea and inland, it had three cities at its peak that were bigger than anything that came later in the Mesopotamian region, the so called cradle of civilization, one city was more than twice the size of anything there and the culture survived for over 1500 years from the late Stone age, through the Copper Age and into the Early Bronze Age before apparently falling to invasions of Steppe People like the Scythians.

  3. well we NOW know today how glaciers recede by studying Greenland and the TRUTH looks nothing like this fiction in this blah blah blah Atlantis nonsense
    time to update your X-files storytellers OKAY? C'mon sheeple due the due diligence.

  4. (Quran 10:73) But they rejected Noah, calling him a liar. So We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark, and made them successors (to the authority in the land), and drowned all those who had rejected Our signs. Consider, then, the fate of those who had been warned (and still did not believe).

    (Quran 11:40-44) Thus it was until Our command came to pass and the oven boiled over. We said: 'Take into the Ark a pair of every species; and take your own family except those who have already been declared (as unworthy); and also take everyone who believes. But those who, along with him, had believed were indeed just a few. Noah said: ' Embark in it. In the name of Allah is its sailing and its anchorage. My Lord is Ever Forgiving, Most Merciful. The Ark sailed along with them amid mountain-like waves. Noah, spotting his son at a distance, called out to him: 'My son. embark with us. and do not be with the unbelievers.' The son replied: 'I will go to a mountain for refuge and it will save me from the water.' Noah said: 'None can save anyone today from the command of Allah except those on whom He may have mercy.' Thereupon a wave swept in between the two and he was drowned. And the command was given: 'Earth! Swallow up your water'; and: 'Heaven! Abate!' So the water subsided, the command was fulfilled, and the Ark settled on Mount Judi.

    (Quran 11:49) We reveal to you these accounts of matters that are beyond the reach of human perception. Neither you nor your people knew about them before this. Be, then, patient. Surely, the good end is for the God-fearing.
    (Quran 54:15) And We left the Ark as a Sign until the Day of Judgment. Is there, then, any who will take heed?

  5. We live on a water world, so expect floods, many floods past and future.. Most ancient floods are still here we just now have named them oceans, and seas.. Every ancient culture ever found on this planet that left a record spoke of floods in their myths… Duh !

  6. Ancient humans love telling stories to explain what they couldn't explain so long ago. The floods of the Black Sea and Doggerland in the North Sea were so devastating to the human populations in those areas they created oral tradition stories of the wrath of their gods to explain those floods. Overtime, those oral traditions became warped and embellished to go from a local flood to a world spanning flood that covered the world and then those oral traditions were borrowed by writers and integrated in their own biblical stories hence potentially the story of Noah's Flood in the bible

    Also what they mentioned with the Black Sea wiping out an entire society of people. Sound familiar? Story of Atlantis anyone?

  7. All incorrect and false assumptions, and the reason for that is because these fools use their childish imagination instead of opening the bible , the bible clearly tells the story of creation and mentions the great flood of Noah and the distraction of the flood generation, the only ones who survived were Noah his wife and his 3 sons and their wife’s .. shem, jafet,and ham. These were the ppl that started the world again from the start and no one else.

  8. It got flooded. They did bad shit.
    It's not the only culture on the black sea.
    The others left in due time due to them doing stupid shit.

    I don't need your shit I'm leaving, and they left.

    They became of the Devil.

  9. The map on 2:30 displays the Pontian Lake and, which was flooded through the Bosporus that emerged, and became the Black Sea. Also, in result of that flood, the Crimean Peninsula and the Sea of Azov appeared. A large number of that 150 thousand of displaced population from the flooded northern bank of the Pontian Lake found refuge on the new Crimean Peninsula and escaped farther to the north, which is now Ukrainian Azov-Black Sea steppe. They were the most distant ancestors of the Ukrainians, all Slavic nations and many other modern European nations. That "super culture" first settled on the south of modern Ukraine, then, after climate was getting warm, the people expanded to the north, to middle Dnipro, where they established another ancient civilization, known as Cucuteni-Trypillian, which occupied a waste territories from modern Romania to the right bank of the Dnipro. Therefore, it is true, that the civilization lived on the territory of modern Ukraine is significantly older than the Sumerian one.

  10. I am really disappointed to see they never mentioned Bulgaria. The super-culture they were talking about? Based in the lands which have always been the home of Bulgarians?? People continue to hide and refuse to popularise the amazing work of Bulgarians such as the Cyrillic alphabet (or the Bulgarian alphabet as many historians would prefer to call it), the Greek yogurt (or the Bulgarian yogurt containing the unique bacteria- Bulgaricus). It is time for Bulgarians to open their eyes and understand their rich cultural background.

  11. No this is theoretical crap! There was never any ice age! Was any one there! Living today! Hahaha Nooo! 😂😂 they should be saying its Noah's flood called on by God and "Not mans theory" Who cause the great flood and man was not here 10,000 years ago, another lie ! 👹 and unproven ..and don't bring out your fake 👾💀 skulls!!

  12. earth is flat .the firmament above opend gates for gods comendment and the flood begins ,stop lieng to the world satan .game over , god is above the sky blue firmament wich is the molting looking glass blue and firm like the siphire ,world goverment stop your lies.

  13. 1. The last ice dam flood which this video purports as the cause for the Med to overtop into the Black Sea happened about 13,000 years ago whereas this Black Sea flood is said to have occurred about 9,000 years ago.
    2. The volume of Lake Missoula was 2,100 cubic km which would be enough to raise the level of the worlds oceans by 6cm not the 3 to 6 ft claimed.
    3. There is no evidence of an erosion canyon from the Bosphorus to the Black Sea. On the other hand, when the Lake Missoula ice dam broke, it created massive erosion channels celled the scablands in Eastern Washington.

  14. Very simple. First civilization Vinca , first letter Cirilica, first production of metal again Vinca. Serbian calendar says that now is 7527 year ( 7527 after the flood ).

  15. Why does this video claim to have uncovered an astonishing discovery, in 2011? I read a book by Pittman and Ross called "Noah's Flood" in 2004, describing the inundation of the New Euxene Lake… now a salt water body called the "Black Sea." The authors were fine scientists, recounting soil samples, etc. Moreover, Ballard (the guy who found the Titanic, sunk in 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean) subsequently explored the flooded areas of the Black Sea that might have revealed human settlement; but he found nothing. So hopefully this video is not a latter-day hoax.

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