10 very scary videos from the internet and Nukes Tops viewers!
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Not Nuke’s Top 5, it’s a top 10 : lots of ghosts and scary stuff. We’ll cover ALL sorts of scary stories of allegedly REAL paranormal activity. You’ll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. Does anyone read this far? IF ya do- there is a ghost caught on camera in a haunted house, a poltergeist in a business, a ghost caught on a Ring cam /cctv, and more.
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If you liked this scary video, you should also check out these other Nukes Tops 5 parnormal Top 5 lists:
10 SCARY Videos That Are NIGHTMARE FUEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqCvakxhYl4
And THEN maybe try:
Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY You’ll Be SHOOK
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4:40 if I ever saw that in my hallway, I would make silly noises wave my arms around and run toward it!
basically be more annoying than it!
All the videos were legit scary
12:02 the ghost’s face seems familliar
He'll no
@12:00 Isn't that the face from the film The Grudge?
5:14 just closed the door idiot
I think I've seen that french chick Rosanna's apartment on every single ghost video compilation for the last 6 months, lol
That girl or whatever that said she was with her coworkers and boss that showed a picture of a guy by a bunch of books and a ghost behind him is a robot or something mad the hair on my neck stand up her hand holding the phone showing the picture doesnt look real either shes a robot or something worse.
Oh no invisible ghost became so much brutal
Lemme unboxing my radio violently
Yeah I keep a dolls head on corner table I'm my room too. It really ties the room together 😂
Nuke, you're becoming a comedy channel
"Blow Me For Luck"
Ive seen some shit in my life but the first video lol no nope im sorry but no real animal lover would just sits there while the cat screams like it did like really nope. Bs
Dude, that shit was DOWNRIGHT CHILLING
It’s gotten to the point where these are unbearable to watch. Bro I’m sure it’s hard to find quality undeniable footage of ghosts but please stop putting out these obviously fake ones.
I have never laughed so hard about a ghost video😠the last video fkn killed me for like 30min straight😂 poor matty, sounded like he was mad that the ghost was ugly instead of scary hahahahaha😂
Video 7 and 3 have the same pale face?
I get so excited when I see a new video!!!! I run to my room so fast and turn the lights off! Please make more soon
If anything spiritual happen to you guys, just call some muslim to help. Trust me
That first video is so fake. I got my son the same black skin suit and took pics of him inncreepy places it looked exactly like that lol hes a creep and loves spooky shit so do i but i dont pass it off as real 😂
why tf am i watching this at night
French one is definitely fake. The one with the carpet buried is absolutely ridiculous
Carpet lady was needing the clout. I bet she ut period blood on that hole to getthe dogs to hit.
🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴 Meg også jeg er helt Norsk
First one is so fake I ended up laughing at every new thing that happened to the lady 😂
Most of this scary videos are stage
17:15 kinda looks like an alien