Think natural disasters are bad? Humans do a pretty good job on our own. Michael Aranda co-hosts this infusion to explain.
Think natural disasters are bad? Humans do a pretty good job on our own. Michael Aranda co-hosts this infusion to explain.
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i love i s l a m 💖💖💖
The city around Chernobyl is called Pripyat
Pripyat was the name of the city close to the powerplant
And Save Ukraine
What kind of bowl is radioactive
Answer: ChernoBowl
I was watching this, hoping he talked about Chernobyl. Then hoping he talked about deep water horizon.
Disasters are so fascinating to learn about.
The elephant's foot is so hot it's still melting concrete and it is ranked the most deadliest and radioactive room in the world and you will die at that time in 3 minutes but now in just 1 hour and it's still melting through concrete and if it contaminates the ground water the Chernobyl may have Europe from normal europe to radioactive Europe ☢☠️
Why the audio volume is too low?!
Not happy with the Bhopal description.It is well known with exception of a few paid scientists for UC that there was an unused dog leg in the system that had been taken out of the US plant but not the one in Bhopal.
Yo I hope you shaved that terrible goatee.
One small correction, mud is vital in ANY oil drilling operation, on shore mud works the same as offshore, for the exact same reason. It keeps natural gas and hydrocarbons from getting to the rig. And causing a fire
I didn't know that they were testing the electricity requirement thing with Chernobyl Plant. I had read somewhere that it was caused because of a few workers' mistakes and something like that.
This video was extremely informative.
For example the one that happened in my hometown the explosion of the SS Grandcamp 3 ships including the Grandcamp exploded and the entirety of the volunteer fire department and a bunch of people from the town came to watch the fire that would cause the explosion and once the explosion happened everybody was so close to the ship that the explosion killed them all The explosion is caused a chain reaction that caused a bunch of fuel stations to explode and the explosion and the explosion is following that cause vibrations that could be felt by seismometers all the way in Denver mind you this is in Texas next to Galveston it’s a city called Texas City Which is on the coast of Texas PRETTY FAR AWAY FROM DENVER It is called the Texas City disaster you should look it up it is very interesting
2:26 that cut
Edit: also 5:39
Union Carbide has to be on the list
I hate when Scishow starts countering themselves. In another video I heard none of the Immediate res-ponders died from Radiation Sickness.
Good blog about human factors, safety process and human errors: https://fmconfiabilidadehumana.wordpress.com/abstracts/
It was Dyatlov
what about world war 1 and 2
lol only 3 sure
Technically all disasters are because of humans
Why did the graphite rods increase power production to the point of explosion?
He is so sure i think he is cause of those disaster he only did it
This is too fast to understand at first. Make it slow next time!
Damn he talks too fast, what's the hurry man
Only three?
Knowing humanity, we won't have learned a blasted thing.
i take it that it would be sexist to title it man-made disasters or even man-caused disasters, hence the change in title?
The nuclear meltdown that happened in Japan in like 2014 was recently considered worse than Chernobyl. Just an FYI
Is someone… impersonating him? His face looks so different. Was he sick?
You forgot the Holocene Extinction.
Bhopal incident was not a joke.
Think about drowning in your own blood,burning your eyes and breathing in fire in a cloud of death
At the same time.😞
Wish you’d talked about Fukushima
Who else called that the cheekiest breekiest accident was in it?
U.S.A is world most dirty or moneyminded country I hate U.S.A which is responsible for Bhopal , herosima and Nagasaki
The recent weather.
Did america hear oil
Why does he seem like 10 times more serious? It's creepy, especially giving the topic.
Chernobyl in addition to the well known facts radiated European pastures were made useless to this day. When considering the effect of ten 16 kiloton blast bombs it is unimaginable what the 40,000 megaton Soviet arsenal and the 38,000 American arsenal might have done.
today i learned that i would never let humans engineer anything
you'd think a video by the sound engineer would have better volume leveling
Piper Alpha is worth checking out too
You forgot your mother
this guy is high af
0:05 **we humans
He talked Too quiet and looked like he didn’t want to do it talking fast and half hearted hand gestures
The deep water horizon accident pales in comparison to the one in China. That one leaked nearly 4x as much.