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About the Author: Kurlyheadmarr


  1. for those who dont know the granny you saw was on a moblie game just called granny and the hooror game granny is based on a true story and this is the true story what the irl granny looks like she kills her victom IRL andshe was asstred

  2. So,Guys Actually the lady was declared as a ghost and some cameras can see ghosts or detect strange activites,People dont walk up to doors with Knifes Unless it 3PM and Their Camera Brightness was at maybe 5-0 Percent but listen what the guys says in the video cuz hes a cool guy and just sends us scary things if we want to watch his scary videos and people done this to my family and my House the lady in the vid was on dr*gs (Not saying u should do them only good ones like medicine they are bad for u and risk ur entire life into death or cancer) and just.. dont carry knives u could literaly fall and trip then…BOOM! Dead.

    Bad things u shouldnt do:
    Knife and walk with it=Trip,Fall Death
    If u see a old lady like her call the police 🚔

    Stay Safe out there Kids and family❤

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