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About the Author: CBS News


  1. I lived in the DC area at the time. From the people I knew I have on good authority that United 93 was shot down with an AIM 9 from an F-16c that was part of the 192nd Fighter Wing out of the Richmond Air National Guard Base at KRIC. Why the Virginia ANG? I don't know. Their F-15's where already in the air and on patrol over the DC area so perhaps by then they expended too much fuel to intercept United 93.

  2. I had a work at home job on 9/11. I will never forget hearing on the news that a plane was missing somewhere over Pennsylvania. That's all they were saying .Somewhere over PA , no exact location. I will never ever forget running to every room in my house, looking up at the sky for a plane then running back to the TV to check for an update…back and forth doing this for God knows how long until finally, word came that it had crashed in western PA. I'm on the other side of the state. Not long after, we learned of the heroes on flight 93 who crashed the plane in a remote area so no one on the ground would get hurt. I will forever be grateful of them for protecting and saving my life and everyone in PA's as well. Thank you for posting this. When people speak of/remember 9/11, they mainly refer to NY and D.C. The Pennsylvania crash is forgotten by so many. The heroes/victims on 93 deserve attention as well. May all the victims rest peacefully.

  3. Land was owned by PBS Coals in 2001,i wonder what connection they have to Cheney and Bush? How much compensation were they paid? Find that out,the truth might just surface?

  4. Lovely that these citizen passengers were honored for saving the Capitol and those within it, yet a former president who tried to take it down and attack even his own associates…still walks the streets and may be allowed to run for office again. We should all be outraged. What an insult to these true heroes.

  5. RIP to everyone who was lost. But one thing I’ve always believed is that this plane was shot down. You have the choice to let the plane keep going, let the people on the plane and wherever it hits die, or you can shoot it down now and let only the people on the plane die. I’m sorry for whoever had to make that call that day.

  6. Today's just like yesterday…watched it live on TV news NBC I believe…it was so eerie like a movie but I felt it was it was scripted and it was not the terrorists but ourcown secret gov….that's not a lie… if you look at it all under the microscope with all the evidence hidden the had found ony one in tact black box and guess it was never made to bring out the truth..and why did the forest continue for several weeks after like lava never going away..and all those chemicals the firefighters are either dead or dying from this day..ok into it America

  7. Weird how they don't post the part of the interview where he says he saw an aircraft after the explosion, and also the aircraft flew towards the sun. Classic maneuver to blind your enemy from seeing your aircraft…. Look it up

  8. I remember it well. Two planes vaporized on the same day. Pennsylvania was the most complete vaporizing of a plane and all contents in history. FBI officials even seemed confused when describing the crater but no plane. Good thing they found the I.D. of one of the hijackers among all the fire and debris in New York

  9. These are what true heroes look like. They throw themselves in harm's way and usually make the ultimate sacrifice, to preserve their nation and the people in it.

  10. Every once in a while, something happens, where it's probably best that the general public can't be sure of what happened. At the time, I found just a few things fishy about the stories of what planes hit the towers, and those maybe could be explained by mixups of what plane had what serial number, tail number, and version of equipment. I also found more than a few things about the Flight 93 story which 90% added up, but in a way that the other 10% made the official story full of holes. But the most complex and elegant conspiracy theories make extremely little sense, to the point of being impossible without perfect planning/execution of unnecessary details, like a well-oiled machine. To me, if one thing about 9/11 is clear, it is that the government and military were not well oiled machines that day. There were some shell-shocked people, some semi-competent people, and some highly competent people, but what they all had in common was a bad mixture of good info, bad info, and missing info, almost all of which they received too late to use well unless they were clairvoyant.

    In that situation, with one thing after another going wrong, and the size of the problem appearing to grow and grow and grow, a take-charge person like a fighter pilot would not be wrong to "fix a problem" if given the chance. Three planes had gotten through already, to extremely high-value targets, and they didn't know if there were 4 planes or 40 planes going rogue around the country that day.

    The simplest explanation is that there is a grain of truth to the official/hero story, and a grain of truth to the shoot-down theory. At least one fighter had AA77 in sight when it hit the Pentagon, I've heard the FAA tapes. Then UA93 was on its way toward DC, and there was confusion about a Delta flight near Cleveland also. Shoot-down of any plane not following directions was authorized. The instructions were basically to get it before it can reach a target-rich area, if it was headed toward any. Fighters were diverted from the Cleveland fiasco to go after UA93. Again, I know that from tapes. I've heard nothing admitting they shot it down, but I did hear where someone in the government quickly knew/said (maybe exact quote, maybe I'm off by a word or two) "It is down." "Oh, it landed?" "NO, it is down." "OH." No discussion of how they knew, but it was pretty clear they didn't want a detailed discussion of it at the time.

  11. It’s sad that our own government would do this to its own people. Supposedly there was never any body parts ever found, which is strange because the Chinese plane that nosedived at a higher rate of speed left biological matter behind. Food for thought.

  12. I wonder where the video went of Cheney or Bush (can't remember now) accidentally slipped up and said "the plane that was shot down over that Pennsylvania field"… On my children's lives there is a video of this. I couldn't believe it. They shoot the plane down and make all the passengers heros trying to take back the hijacked plane… Who's going to question the heroic last deeds of these men and women, what ash-hole would dare say a word otherwise? … Maybe the someones who actually watched it all unfold after the first plane was mistaken for an accident only to watch more planes hit the towers, having to listen to the loud almost deafening explosion sounds coming from the glass awning ceiling. The horror struck me in the realization that those sounds we're not just sounds, they had identities, families, and loved ones they would never see again. Those are the people that will not ever give up until the truth is told.

  13. I remember they said it was a missile, , shot into ground , all they found was rubble all scattered not even enough for a plane , I didn’t know they had changed it

  14. Michael Dwight Smith Jr 5745 bossen ter Minneapolis ,MN 55417 #4 offender locator age 36 year 1982 white black hair M 5'10 eyes hazel
    I send it to 311 you have people running up the street and you will playing with me

  15. Airplane insulation looks like honeycomb cereal, how do I know I was part of the rescue team for flight 261 Alaskan airlines around 2000. Parts are so light makes you wonder how those planes stay together at those speeds.

  16. Isn't it strange that with the planecrash in China past week, full speed, head first, that there are 122 victims identified and in Pennsylvania there was nothing left to find to identify…….strange…..🤔🤔🤔

  17. The fact that these flights were at 40% capacity is the biggest head scratcher. I guess AA and United didn't need the money in 2001 and would just fly empty planes with over 100 empty seats on a flight. Next time you get on a plane, take a look around.. if you see more than half a dozen empty seats, I'll mail you $20. LOL

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