Families and their pets have been rescued by emergency services after Hurricane Milton brought widespread flooding across parts of Florida.
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Farm animals, such as pigs, donkeys and goats have also been helped to safety. Millions of Floridians began a long and difficult recovery after the state’s second major hurricane in two weeks
Biden says Hurricane Milton caused staggering $50bn in estimated damage ► https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/florida-in-hurricane-milton-damage
‘It’s mindblowing’: US meteorologists face death threats as hurricane conspiracies surge ► https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/meteorologists-death-threats-hurricane-conspiracies-misinformation
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#hurricanemilton #hurricane #florida #usa #floods #rescue
Biden says Hurricane Milton caused staggering $50bn in estimated damage ► https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/florida-in-hurricane-milton-damage
‘It’s mindblowing’: US meteorologists face death threats as hurricane conspiracies surge ► https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/meteorologists-death-threats-hurricane-conspiracies-misinformation
thoes that leave there pets behind should be band from having any and the pets should be rehomed
I've noticed this in another clip. Why did they make the youngster toss his shoes away first? It seems bizzarely specific. I'd love to know the logic behind it.
Thank you True American Heroes. ❤
Bless you for helping save the animals too
People who tie there animals up in a flooding storm make me so angry 😠 😡
Law of life. What goes around comes around.
I would have been worried about gators in the water!
Everytimebi see that poor im thinking of his parents…where are they….im so sorry theu wfntnthrough this all.
No way, not in a million years, would I ever leave my animals behind.
Live high up above ground
How many farm animals died? Time to end slavery in all its forms… but so grateful to everyone who is out rescuing and animals alike.
Thank you
People are jerks for leaving their pets behind.
Η Παναγία μαζί σας καλή δύναμη❤! 😢
Gosh everyone needs a like jacket when hurricanes come along !
Israel strengthens offensive in southern Lebanon
Horrible that people were stranded in high waters with alligators roaming around 😢😢
I feel like so many people are going to get sick just from walking around in that nasty water 😳 how awful what so many people are going through 🙏🏻
Dawg rescue very heartwarming
My question is did the owners jus leave there animals behind?
Ok but why does the last couple have dinner on a leash
I would NOT want to wade through alligator water 😬
This is heart-wrenching and inspiring. Not all heroes wear capes.❤
Would never live in Florida
🇺🇸Heroes 🇺🇸
if possible- people should seriously consider moving out of the state to a safer weather state. this WILL happen again, and again and………
Why were humans tying animals up? Dupid behavior
Heroes! Much respect for all that you do!❤️
Thank you to the rescuers, for helping these people and animals!!
2:05 poor farm animals. 😢
Heroes…Thank you 💞
Aww the poor piggy got water in their ears. Thank you for saving all kinds!
We have to be able to count on one another! Thank you! ❤
Bet the dog been hoping fun
Why In THe WoRlD do people NOT EVACUATE? Sheesh!
Why would someone tie an animal up when they know there are flood waters? That is just cruel.. thank you to these people that are rescuing the animals that people left behind.