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#eldenring #shadowoftheerdtree #Rage
Chance I'm writing a book called how chance broke his foot and suffered a stroke from dying from the same boss over a dozen times 😂😂😂😂😂
Is this guy on ng+7?
44:50 best Ai song hes played, shit is a banger
Is still playing dlc or he done with it
Ricky bobby!
25:48 lol nuff said
22:40 me every time at work 😂😂
10:04 lol
When are you going to upload Radhan the Rat as a song on its own? 🐀😭
Rahdon the 🐀 🐀 🐀 🐀 wat a tune 😅
I just wipped out the mimic tear for bosses that just seemed insurmountable. In my defense at the time, i didnt know the max scadu level was 25…. I did this at 15
He uses no physics no buffs or nothing 🤦🏾♂️……idiot
It’s boring now just get good I’ve finished about 15 games since Elden ring
Dodgers in the World Series and I'm watching a video from Chance, let's goooo
What a great way to start the weekend, thanks Chance! I literally wait for the next episode more than I do for the one piece ones, keep up the great work and edit!
Greetings and love from Greece🔥
The guy is just torturing himself at this point
Bro its impossible fight
How has he fought him this much and not realised that you can literally just run left from the clone attack that crashes down on you
Yeahhhh 👍😎
Bro you are complete A$$! Get good 🤣🤣 oh and your stagger damage is trash.
Sorry chance but I had to skip this video. Left a like and I hope you got him in the next upload.
I haven't watched for multiple days. Thank you for not progressing.
Is Chance really that dense to think that the devs didn't balance this boss fight to be challenging even with max blessings. They wanted players to be challenged for 5 hours on this boss, not 5 days. lmao.
Greedy rat x3
3 episodes left🥲, wish I could watch Chance fighting Radahn forever)
Love these videos. Somehow i watch each fucking one that's at least 50 minutes. Pure entertainment!
Oh good my favorite ASMR channel uploaded another sleeping video
Lmfao…. I can’t stop laughing at his reaction at 21:33. Definitely top 5 of laughing the hardest
"git gud oh git gud. Therefore, git gud oh git gud"
Man just do a proper build Jesus Christ!
'Watch This' was actually pretty good for an A.I song.
Yo the music at 44:50 banging
28:18 you can see a ghost wearing the same hat as Chance and fighting with the same weapon.
19:17 that comment 😂😂😂😂😂
Chance how about another cooking show!?
I cannot imagine dying 2000 times to a dlc.
Does anyone know the death counter he beat him at?
Beat Erlang, no ducking now.
150bpm over a video game boss. He is a crackhead. Prove me wrong.
Has he even made it to comet Rahdan yet?
broooo i keep waiting for these in hopes that i get to see you finally take down radan 🙁 but it looks like i dont get to see that yet
We won this vid right?
I want the radahn song, love the videos man.
4:41 "I''m dead" It sucks cause anyone whose been in this situation knows, he's right.
Day 6 Chance is still stuck on Rahdan. 😂 it’s time to swallow your pride, and admit the chat has been right all along. You need more fragments and different talismans. Lil bro 😂