In this video I checked out the latest update in TSG, the halloween event! It brought a new boss fight! I showed everything you need to know in this video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe 😉
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Thanks a lot for all the support 😀
Hi! Is it rare to find a wood selling in a merchant? I’m building a base and got no wood so when does even merchants sells them?
Yo i was in ur Video I was that Yonko😂
No, first seasonal event was Easter the Hunt. Also, it's strange since even though you can't leave, you commonly fall off the boat, and won't take damage.
I don’t got money sadly but I’ve been here since 400 subs 😀
Hi Stunt, I am trying to join your discord but It says the link is expired. Can you help?
What are the orb things all over the map , im on xbox so that might just be a console thing , W video !
Honestly I feel like the boss was way to easy, and tbh the cosmetic is kinda trash. L update ngl
thanks stunt7 i had a hard time trying to find the ship i deid like 4 times trying to fight the new skellys
bro why i got banned from your discord channel wth bro i didnt even do anythink like wtf bro im even a member like wth
Guys you think chainmail should be added to the game because the regular armors look to chunky and blocky and chainmail would cost less materials than the regular amour
And there should be diffrent helmets like, kettle helmets.
And there should be more medieval looking armor and buildings because the bronze armor looks like it's from the ancient times.
I love ya vids bro I’m 15 btw lol
trash event w vid
can you report this to a dev? I tried to get the badge with 0 owners (30 mins without engaging in combat) so I skybased for 45 mins no combat and I didn’t get it.. 45 mins wasted
6 years ban is always better than perm ban permanently ban is inf pain seeing it temporarily ban 5000 pain one day I will get my revenge better watch out undonebuilder I will get my payback
Can you show me how you get many food or anything items you you have or you using cheats
well, i am suprised they are still updating. I am even more amazed people are still watching TSG content. Recently I came back to making content and now I am thinking; should I come back to making TSG content?
The boss is so ez to kill
yo stunt i would like to 1v1 and would I like to meet a mod of tbe?
I am TBE clan
Stunt turn on joins?
The cosmetic isn’t the best but ig the badges is cool bc if u want a badge collection
it looks noice!
TSG is dead
I might use the horns
W Video by Stunt
Can u teach us how to kill easily?
I have donk3y in my friend list didn’t know he had a channel
Nice Vid 🙂 My ship spawned in the Arctic so I had extra damage during snowstorms XD
Hello stunt i cant defeat the boss it cant stop healing and i wannna defeat him can you help me
I think TSG should do more of these small but cool events. Thanks for making a video of the event!
Yea finally but wheres new hair?
Stunt how did you got spikes of chaos cosmetic?
W thubmnail
THX for having showed us about the update 😉
Bro you play Minecraft
small event its mid
Stunt need sleep 💀
Btw nice vid!!!