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About the Author: Beastly Journeys


  1. First of all it's a loose dog not a stray second of all there's only one loose dog the second dog you see running out was their dog of the little girls what the f*** are you talking about you need to stop lying to these people about things in the videos it's ridiculous

  2. Okay so a pit came to attack my dog and well me and my dog and sister was playing with these other dogs and so my dog chased that out away but then that out tried going after a lady in a car and my dog had to bite the out where like the mom dog would bite them to move their pups and thatā€™s where my dog bit him so the woman wouldnā€™t get hurt, basically he saved us from getting hurt

  3. Not to be an asshole but damn get the story right goodness. You clearly see the dog isnā€™t a stray itā€™s the neighbors dog across the street and he gets out the owner tryā€™s to grab it but misses and the parents didnā€™t come to the rescue the owner of the dog grabbed his dog. Oh and the dog wasnā€™t a stray.

  4. I once had my dog chase someone off in the woods when we were sleeping in my car and someone opened the door she barked and was gone came back shortly after. Gotta love the situational awareness and everything else that comes with owning dogs

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