The Penguin Episode 6 Gold Summit. The Batman 2, Penguin’s new alliance, Gotham Takeover, The Bliss, Sophia Falcone & Sal Maroni Team, Penguin’s Mother, Robert Pattinson Batman & The Penguin Episode 7 Trailer ► https://bit.ly/AwesomeSubscribe
Deadpool Christmas Special Announcement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6zAuoWtsZM&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Venom The Last Dance Post Credit Scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuPjriXoulQ&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczxQXxyV_2D8kuEs_QsuQIyJ&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Henry Cavill Returns To Marvel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojQ4sCJLAPo&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Agatha All Along Episode 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eExuxUlC1NY&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Thunderbolts Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ7lMCw1qJo&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Deadpool & Wolverine Alternate Ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fbz4OBhmlo&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Fantastic Four Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ganuq2_1GOU&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
Captain America Brave New World Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s43t-yv3dU&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczwWT3yd94Xc6n-ooI85uV_u&index=5&pp=gAQBiAQB
Emergency Awesome New Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeOfhzu7ZdY&list=PLOIeYdZ3QczxQXxyV_2D8kuEs_QsuQIyJ&index=7
Covering Full Penguin Episode 6 Breakdown and Easter Eggs. The Penguin’s new Crime Organization. Sophia and Sal Maroni Alliance. Carmine Falcone History. The Batman 2 connections, new Arkham Asylum Batman villains. Bliss Compound Explained. Penguin vs Sal Maroni, The Joker, Riddler. Batman Hush. The Batman Hush Easter Eggs in the first movie. Matt Reeves Explains Hush. Plans for Barry Keoghan Joker in the future Batman Movies and Batman HBO Series. The Batman 2 Robin Announcement and New Villains Breakdown. The Batman 2 Teaser Trailer. Robert Pattinson, The New Robin Explained. How they’re changing the characters to update their origin stories, to fit in the world of the batman movies. Clayface Explained, Mr Freeze and The Court Of Owls. The Penguin Episode 7 Trailer and more Flashbacks.
Penguin and Sofia Falcone Teamup, Penguin’s Master Plan. Sofia vs Luca Falcone, more Riddler references, Arkham Asylum Flashbacks and Visions Explained.
Superman Teaser 2025. Why Henry Cavill Man of Steel 2 was cancelled. James Gunn DC Movies Plan. And why james gunn is writing the next superman movie. Superman 2025 Movie Story. The future of DC Movies recasting the Justice League. How The Flash Movie Flashpoint sets that up now. Black Adam Post Credit Scene, Black Adam Ending. Henry Cavill Superman Cameo Scene, Post Credit Scene, Henry Cavill Superman The Flash Movie Cameo Scene.
Lots more Marvel Trailers coming Avengers 5 Doomsday Trailer, Avengers 6 Secret Wars Trailer & Captain America 4. More Fantastic Four videos soon too!
My FULL Penguin Episode 7 video will post next week!
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Here's my FULL Penguin Episode 6 video and Easter Eggs. Post all your reactions in the comments! Here's my Deadpool Christmas Special video too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6zAuoWtsZM&t=0s
When you said a oldie but a goodie felt like I know how you got this channel 😂
Love this series
The Penguin Season 1 filled the gap between The Batman and The Batman 2 so it would make sense if they had The Penguin Season 2.
Not a huge Easter egg or anything, but you didn't mention is that the lampshade in the kitchen. When Sophia went over to see that one girl was a old school type umbrella like penguin would use in the comics. ☔
They need to get the joker in this
Yeah sure. He agrees to get beaten by Sofia. Totally worth it.
The last remnants of mankind are huddled around a brown dwarf star.
"I've got The Batman on my laptop. Let's watch it while we can."
"His mother is still alive… for now."
Sophia better be extra careful around Victor. the guy tasted blood a few hours earlier and it's quite obvious he cares about Oz's mom. He could end Sophia's story at anytime.
My guess is Vic will get put in the hospital by Sofia and given his scars. Then when Oz finally gets to his mom, he realizes he has to fulfill his promise.
From the acting to the directing to the writing this show is amazing. This episode with Oz Mom in the bathroom delivered woo. Then how things came to circle the conversation Sofia had with Eve. 😱🤯🤩
You sounded wayyy too excited to talk about that kinky sex scene
Haven’t watched this vid yet but did you notice possible nod to Killer Croc? When Oz hugs Vic, there’s a kids drawing of a standing crocodile on the wall. Again, I haven’t watched this vid yet, just wanted to see if I caught something not mentioned.
9:15 showrunner did tease a season 2 in nycc
judging by oz telling victor the city took his brothers and that look he gave the water tunnel leads me to believe that they drowned.
Yo… there's so much more to go with this. Gotham has never been a realer world
sofia is going to make oz choose between victor and his mom
So penguin is trying to make Gotham great again?
Lol, Penguin
Vic could get his scars via torture by Sophia
Good series but at this point they MUST explain why Batman is suddenly on vacation. He said this would happen at the end of the movie & said he'd be ready for it. They need to address this.
If Sophia was wronged by penguin back in the day then she shouldn’t have acted like a shitty rich brat n mistreats him so karma is a bitch she got wat she deserved tbh
Ok my question is, all this stuff is happeneing betweens the Maronis and Giagantes, war, killing, bloodshed. Where is the hell is The Batman? Just chilling at home with Alfred? "Let them wipe each other out"
Did anyone notice that when Vic got off the bike after killing Squid he had on Jordan 1s, but the next scene he was wear the cardinal 7s that he wiped blood off of later on?
Last week Sophia rallied her troops with money this week Oz rallied his wit the gift of gab!!!!lol
an Easter Egg Charlie missed – the actress who plays Mouse in the "50% Off" episode of Better Call Saul shows up in this episode as a representative of the Lo Boyz during the Gold Summit sporting the same hairdo and carrying the same weapon she did in that episode of BCS
Was the riddler theme playing when Eve mentioned the names of the victims to Sofia ?
Oz has an armoured saferoom in his place, but only has an unprotected front door with a basic deadbolt on it 🤦♂️
The deal Oz makes with the lower gangs absolutely means something right now because he now has the manpower to go after the Maronis and Gigantes. He outright says, "Everything you've heard about me is true", meaning that he's admitting to be a two-timing snake, and they sign up with him anyway.
The show is also about Oz's rise to power. There are 2 episodes left. They most definitely are not about to have Penguin experience another fall in the last two episodes. The last 2 episodes will be Penguin, taking out Sofia and Sal and finally taking over.
What if Victor turns out to be Victor Zsasz
Love this showwwws
The show is amazing, I just wish they made more references to the Batman/DC world.
Like the beer scene. Perfect opportunity for the Penguin to say "there's a freaking mad man running around the streets! We need to come together." Small references like that. No need to actually show Batman.
I think Sofia and Sal will kidnap both his mom and Vic and force penguin to choose which person he wants to live over the other, ultimately (hopefully) choosing Vic seeing him as his younger brother and letting his mother go
Sofia with the crowbar at the end imagine a whole new type of red hood iteration bro
Vic has literally the same type of story as Jason just flipped upside down with The Penguin instead of
How messed up would it be if Sofia ends up NOT only cutting off some of penguins fingers, but has the doctor sew the remaining ones together…on each hand, like the deformed ones of Danny Devitos penguin?!
I would have had to trade beers with Oz before I was convinced. 😆
Sophia is super sexy
The beer is also labelled Gold for the name of the episode The Gold Summit
they deserve all the awards for this.
6:10 how come everyone thinks that Robin Hood is about stealing from the rich and giving to the poor? The sheriff of Nottingham was a government official who worked for the crown or the federal government. He overtaxed people and took all their hard earned wages. Robin Hood stole from the corrupt and from the wealthy government leaders and gave back to the citizens. it’s not about rich people versus poor people. It’s about regular citizens versus a corrupt government.
Bruh gotta kill his own mom thats crazy
you didn't mention the crowbar call to Under the Red Hood where Joker beat a Robin to death with a crowbar.
like both sophia and Oz, Penguin story sounds more interesting than joker's to me! great writing.
I’m hooked on this penguin series. I like this version of Penguin better than the one on Gotham.
still haven't watched
I think Sophia is going to torture Victor with cutting. Turning him into the comic book version.
All the attention and resources would go to the wealthiest no matter what… politicians always want to take care of their wealthy donors
And, to me, the point of the flood was mainly to disrupt the inauguration, with his people there to assasinate the Mayor and other powerful people in attendance
‘Zoo’ – where was Penguin in Batman Returns?
At this point I think I’m mistaken as I haven’t heard anybody else mention it but I could’ve swarm when Hady was walking away from police before penguin approached one of the officers said goodnight mr dent, I wasn’t sure who it was in reference to or even if I heard it correctly and the subtitles don’t address it just thought I’d mention but I realise I probably just misheard