This “guard” dog just wanted to take a nap but these cute baby goats had other plans 😍 😂 🐐
Learn more about KNS Farm here: https://knsfarm.com/ 🥰 Footage via Jukin Media
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The dog is just a big white furry mountain. 😂
That's so pathetic
So cute
Parecen cabritos canguros // Me gustaría tener uno //**
Alternative pov – Bond chaperones a playdate of Anya and her classmates.
To say that they're full of life is certainly an understatement.
You can do whatever you want with me, just don’t mess with the butt. 😄
Coisa mais lindaaaaaaaaaaaaa do mundo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
… جديانٌ مسرورة مغتبطةٌ نشيطة و حيوية… و كلبٌ كسولٌ متقاعسٌ… نعم ليس من فصيلتها.. و لكنه قد باااااالغ في التمدد و الاستلقاء… 😂😂😂
#1 fun babysitter!!!
I wonder if it hurts when the kids jump on him? Those hoofs seem painful the way they bounce n stand on the dog..🤔 They're so cute, I want a miniature goat.
Nothing like a good back walk 🤠🤗
Those kids are crazy
Da. Kids
Когда ты – большой и добрый белый пёс, а вокруг одни козлы🤟🤟
Hey, I can watch the kids and sleep at the same time.
We have a Great Pyrenees Anatolian Shepherd mix… he’s a sweetheart just like this ❤
A chill dog with lit goats. What a combo! 😅🐕🐐🐐
My rural area's sheep rancher's have long used great Pyrenees to keep an eye on their sheep. i have learned to keep an eye out for them as I drive the 25 mph dirt road from my place past them, after one dog that was sleeping in the ditch jumped up after I, I guess, surprised him/woke him up, and he darn near came thru the open window of my car! It was tall enough to easily do so, huge, and very loud, and made me spill me coffee, as his open jaws were a foot or two from my face. Impressive animals for sure!
Saint Pyrenees thank you for you patience 😂😂😂
очень радует…
With all that jumping around!! How can he sleep? I love these goats but that jumping wears me out!🤣🤣🤣
Too much cuteness darn it 🤗🥰☺️🙂😌😉🙃💕💗❤
Gamboling goats adorable
Que gracinha 🌹🌹
This is the same way my dad watched me as a kid 😂
If ya gotta have a dog ya gotta have one these!
The Best!
They are like alarm clock in the morning
0:41 BRED, not BREAD.
BRED, as in Breeding
BREAD, as in Feeding.
His nose is still on duty
So very awesome and cute. But they're like squirrels on red bull!!
Ahh yes, the ancestral goat art of dog climbing. It's great to see old traditions live on in newer generations.
Lol, love the way they jump with in the air break dancing like they just won a BIG prize and they are over the moon. Their happiness dance and joy is so intoxicating 😂