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About the Author: Give hope


  1. Yes holy mother is the only care taker of all ! That’s why in India almost all entities including nature is treated as mother and practice of worship them. Even the country, state, village, agricultural land even organisation treated as a mother to adore them. Earth is treated as a holy mother not only that all rivers which nourishes the cultivation land, source for drinking water are treated as mother. Is it logical ?

  2. stray corgy ?? come on.. it brought puppies to you because u r their owner and they're used to u who just pretending try to save a dog family

  3. Сколько смотрю , люди на помойку , то в лес выкидывают своих новорождённых 😢

  4. You know it's so nice to see that you guys sit here and try to help these animals, but what aggravates me the most out of the whole thing. Is how you have to sit here and follow them around for like 20 minutes with a video camera taking a picture of them while they suffer that's what pisses me off more than anything.
    And they were the agitates me more is how these people see these animals like this but they don't do a thing until someone shows up with a video camera.
    You guys should also explain to people that they should work together and helping these animals pitch in whatever they can to get them fixed so there's no more puppies or kittens running around loose.

  5. Most people love animals, so want to believe these stories. But they feel too contrived

    How did this get. 4 million views, when the normal viewership looks low?

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