Part 3 of my story where I get to talk about why I don’t fear death or dying. This is a story about an experience I had with a patient …
Part 3 of my story where I get to talk about why I don’t fear death or dying. This is a story about an experience I had with a patient …
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Julie! Your whole channel is liberating and sent from God. You’ve applied dignity and beauty to death….somehow those things got lost and fear attached. But you dear angel nurse and teacher have opened the door to the last and most powerful thing EVERY human will do…die. And it can happen with awareness and peace. Thank you! I’m learning so much here🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
It’s so peaceful. Your body is so heavy and we are so limited. I got to experience it when I was 17 and have never forgotten it. My mom passed away a few years ago and I wasn’t crying like everyone else because she had been in a lot of pain and I knew what she was experiencing was a relief and pure joy.
Cute 😊😊
I had a near death experience and when I realized I was dying I was worried and sad cause I didn’t want to leave my mom and her be sad but once I accepted it and felt the presence of GOD I felt nothing but peace and understanding. When I was coming back, I actually didn’t want to I wanted to stay in the presence. It was wild!!
You're awesome, Julie! Not everyone could do what you do. Giving comfort to the dying is as noble as it gets. Don't ever change!
I had a childhood friend say the same thing about the vax as she died. If only I had known.
The last thing I heard my father say was, "Why should I be so lucky? Why should I be so blessed?" He also said "No thank you" re the food I was trying to feed him. As far as I know, the last thing my mother said was "We all just need to pray," or words to that effect.
I think it´s an illusion your brain makes up because of the DMT it pours out. Or isn´t it?
But dont fir one moment think it will be joyful without Jesus
Disgusting describing those poor peoples last moments.and then asking for money.
I love these stories. They bring me such peace. Ty, for what you do and for sharing it all with us. ❤
Similar experience after my grandmother died. That night I was falling asleep and heard her say, “Just wait ‘til you see it! Just wait ‘til you see it!” It was the same, amazed and excited tone as your patient.
Is one of the final stages is not trusting people?
0n 05/20/1988 at 7:30 am my mom called. She called to tell me that sister, my incredible sister, my best friend died in a car accident. She was 22. I was 24 and I had a one month old baby. That call broke me😢Two days after the accident I was lying on the bed watching my baby sleep, and I heard "Carol" I looked and saw my sister but she was fuzzy like a tv with bad reception. I think I said something like "I miss you so much!". She said she knew that and she wanted to let me know she was okay because she knew I would forever be worrying about her. My next sentence was "why do you have that on" and I laughed. She was wearing what she used to call her"doing laundry outfit" She said she knew it would make me laugh which it did. She then told me she that she didn't have long. She was here to because she wanted to say goodbye and to let me know she was okay. I then said "is heaven the way you thought it would be?" She used to always say that she thought heaven was going to be like the South of France even though she hadn't ever been there. She thought it sounded incredible. Her response was something that I have shared with people that are close to leaving us. I also share it with people that are grieving and now I'm sharing it with all of you. This is important!: She said "Heaven is whatever YOU think it is going to be, THAT is what it will be for YOU" when she told me, this feeling of peace came over me. I did tell her that I missed her so much and I wished I could give her one more hug. She said "I have to go" but before she left, she went from being fuzzy to being solid, like she just came to visit and she hugged me for just a moment but I could feel the hug and then she was gone. That same day my mom was in her room and she got a call from Kathy. For more than 20 years I told almost no one about my experience. I think I didn't want anyone to tarnish my precious memory. Now I do share it with the hope that it will help someone else that is either grieving or about to pass. I will ask people if they ever imagined or talked about what heaven would be like and then I tell them what my precious, still deeply missed sister told me. I think she would want me to tell people so that it can maybe give them some hope for what happens next.
God, thank you for helping people get things prepared and made right before their death in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray for salvations throughout mankind and over the earth and the universe In Jesus mighty name. Amen 🙏
Are you going to look up,,.. when the light comes of the words that's the thing that comes with your life because you're going to die soon but no that's not the case is actor the power of Jesus and the Lord
After my mothers passing I had a vivid dream of her walking towards me with a halo light around the back of her head shining all around her & then I felt a feeling of immense joy, more than I’ve ever felt in all my life, I knew it was her way of showing me where she was, thank you Mommy, love you for time eternity.
This is a beautiful gift, and one of, if not just one of, it is The Best gift anyone on this esrth can receive. The gift of knowing this is temporary, but there is something way better after.
He was telling you that if he would have known how beautiful heaven was.❤❤❤❤
As a retired RN I can vouch for every one of your experiences Julie because I’ve had them with my dying patients also. We tend to keep quiet about them out of respect towards family and friends who have different culture and religious beliefs, but when things like this happen over and over again there’s no denying we are not just our physical bodies and we leave it behind and transition to another dimension unencumbered and finally free of pain and suffering. I loved seeing the look of peace and relief on my patient’s faces once they had passed on.
Thank you for sharing all your death and dying hospice stories, it’s so important for everyone to understand the process and be less fearful of it.
Nurse Julie is a hottie
Is everybody going DODALLY😂This girls got a nice face BUT…..She's dodally😂❤❤
When I was sleeping in my wife's hospital room on a Tuesday night I had a dream my 92 year old neighbor had died my first thought was about her dog because I had promised her I'd take her.I woke up crying and told Lisa. The next day I called my sister she called a neighbor and they confirmed she past away Tuesday night. She was worried about her dog and came to me to get her dog before going home to God.
How can one talk after actual death happening.
I’ve never had a near death experience but one time when I was having massive panic attack and deep Depression – I was thinking about possibly not wanting to live anymore and God clearly spoke to me and said Believe and he said my name. I know it wasn’t just in my head because it startled me, it actually scared me because it came out of nowhere and when I heard this voice I then felt sudden calmness and peace.
Love you Julie. I’m so glad you started this Chanel. 💙💙💙💙big hug❤❤❤❤
"After he died " ? Yeah right