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About the Author: Admin


  1. Got to see it happen as a kid. Some dumb bastard got out of his car and tried to take a picture up close with his disposable camera. When the bison charged him he dived behind a nearby tree and barely escaped.

  2. You don't know it, but I'll be glad to tell you this. People are STUPID!!! They think a Bison is a tame animal. Well dogs are pretty tame and yet you are smart enough to ask, does your dog bite? Or if you see it's backing up from you and growing.
    I'm pretty sure Bison have a tell when they are getting upset, most animals do. Learn the animal and I bet you won't want to get close to take a selfie.

  3. Around 1980, I visited a museum in Cody, Wyoming. In it was a stuffed Bison on display. Staring into its face, I was sufficiently frightened I had to move off to one side to get out of its "way."

    I've no idea how random people can approach their immense power without a care to get a selfie.

  4. rest easy buddy❤
    even in a game i play called wolfquest, bison can 2 shot you and bears 3-4 shot you. bears will run and bison wont, its stupid to go near any wild animal without permission and expert animal caretakers around

  5. When I was younger I was told that a long time ago that bison used to eat the natives people that hair on their chin is the hair of the people that they eaten

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