This is the original video of kayaker Jean-Christophe Cabuy getting caught in a dangerous hydraulic whirlpool while kayaking in Corsica, France. When JC is unable to right himself, friends come to the rescue and avert a near drowning.
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Wouldn't it help to have an airbag similar to ARVA airbags for avalanches ? Or a floating rope that you'd tie around your waist (or in the back or whatever) and that could easily be released in case of such an emergency for the others to pull on it and get you out of it without risking their own lives ? Or a link to your kayak similar to jetskies ? The others could pull on the kayak to get you out.
He should never have thrown his paddle, the jump was not so big
Heinous rescue vid from the no boof paddle throw like into 5 ropes thrown into a hole with 2 boaters, to paddling back into the hole followed by a godamn live bait, Wild West of kayaking but someone had to figure out how to do rescues safely at the end of the day, the paddle throw no boof is wild to me on a hole like that still tho, and to all the comments who said the guy who paddled into the hole is brave, that is the exact opposite of how u rescue someone out of that situation
The rescuer jumps in right when he was freed. Where was he before ? Very late reactions from the safety team.
This can happen at any low head dam too. Happens all the time. Look it up. Scary stuff.
The red helmet guy throw away the paddle twice. First on the begining of the video, he got out and on the second time he got caught. But for what purpose he throw it away?
When your ego says yes and your brain says no…go with your brain.
Debile w chuj
Is the second man alive ?
It took the others pretty damn long to realize what was happening. 😮
thats an horible mess you are very bad at security
Bet he doesn’t through his paddle in the air anymore.
Dude died
i almost thought it was a pneumatic whirlpool
All risk. No reward.
I have nothing to do with kayaking, but am I the only one who thinks that the first guy was very lucky that the second guy didn't knock him out with his kayak… and why didn't anyone give any warning signals.
Vertical riptide gosh darn it
It’s almost like it’s a stupid decision kayaking down a waterfall
Great bro👍👍👍
Why would you kayak in this location? I assume these were amateurs who have never heard of the dangers of hydraulic effects of low-head dams. Truly stupid and dangerous thing to do, glad they were all lucky enough to survive.
“Here catch this shoelace “
I'll stick to the placid waters.
I swallowed water when I watched this
Stupidity should hurt.
what do you actually do in this situation when alone? cling to the rocks at the bottom and crawl your way to the side?
How about the courage and determination of his friends?! Nothing says love better than this❤❤❤🫡🫡🫡🫡💪💪💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏
My God this is so difficult to witness! The level of sheer panic would be off the charts!
Kayaks should have emergency airbags that blast you out the water
Never, EVER, grab a drowning person.
Rapist BJP k hi hote h
Lesson : Don't kayak over falls if this is an inherent risk .
He is clean now