Tearful story of a newborn puppy: Rejected by his mom, severely dehydrated, fighting for life!
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This handsome little guy just turned up at Barrow County Animal Control.
From what we understand he is the runt of the litter, has an open fontanelle and is being rejected by his mom.
This poor little dude is severely dehydrated, exceedingly malnourished, very pale (almost purple),
and we understand that he had a seizure (possibly 2) during transport on the way to us.
We’ve given him SubQ fluids, a nice warm bottle and some nutritional supplements.
He is now resting comfortably in his heated mini suite and this afternoon he will get a spa treatment and pawdicure.
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: jamesruddypp@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #rescuedog
Nooo!!! Nooo povero piccolo!!!
Alla fine non ce l'ha fatta… 💔💔💔😞💔💔💔
R. I. P. piccolo angelo, che dolore infinito e straziante. 💔💔💔
Grazie infinite a chi ha provato a salvarlo. 💔🙏💔
❤ Povero piccolo! ❤️😥❤️
❤️ Dio ti benedica piccolo angelo, affinché tu sopravviva e vada incontro alla Vita che meriti, piena d'amore e serenità. ❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️🥰🥰🥰❤️
Amém 🙏🙏 Deus vai abençoar muito vcs por resgatar e cuidar muito bem desse anjo , não merece maior sofrimento . devemos orar pelos animais e por vcs também .🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Addio piccolo angelo corri NELL'ARCOBALENO ❤❤❤
Очень печальная история маленькой жизни…..((((((❤
RIP little one 🥺🥺😢
Que triste, lamento muito
Awwwh😪so sad
Prayers for this sweet puppy on here,Poor puppy too, Thank-you for recuring him too
Λίγο σκληρη θα είμαι αλλά τα σκυλιά έχουν υψηλή διαίσθηση και ήξερε ότι δεν θα ζήσει ίσως είναι ο λόγος που το εγκατέλειψε λυπάμαι πολύ για το σκυλάκι ❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊😊😊
Thank you all for your hard work trying to save this little Angel RIP Stewie 🙏
So sad for this little soul rest in peace where you are there no pain no suffering only angels like you 😢❤
Süßer kleiner Stewie komm gut über die Regenbogenbrücke 🌈🐕😢😢 und ruhe in Frieden ❤❤❤ Herzlichen Dank an das wunderbare Helferteam und das totz aller Bemühungen das kleine Herz aufgehört zu schlagen 😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖
Maybe the mum was right in rejecting him and leaving him to die. We don't die, just the avatar. We live on eternally as light and energy beings – our soul pops out of our body and the tether is broken between our soul and body when we die. We portal up to what we perceive to be heaven. Everyone that has had a NDE says it is bliss. None want to return. They refer to it as our real home. So maybe this mother dog knew her baby needed to head home. It is just a different way of looking at things. If the poor animal is in a serious condition and is always going to have a hard life medically speaking, it should have been put down. I have had to put my pets down in the past and I am happy about it because I stopped the suffering they were going through. It is such a peaceful transition and over with in seconds (in my case). They themselves are thankful to leave their bodies when they are that far gone, as we would be too. Yes he passed eventually but feeling bad about the situation is not the way to go. He knew he was loved and being cared for and was in a comfortable place, but his body wasn't prepared to continue and I actually think he would have had a lifetime of issues if he had stayed. Wherever he is now, he is happy.
Stellina santa! La tua mamma non ti.ha voluto! Forse perché non aveva da darti da mangiare! Non perché non ti voleva bene! La natura ha deciso così. Ma le ANIME BELLE e SPECIALI ti salveranno! Ti faranno diventar grande. Vedrai! Auguri tesoro! GRAZIE ragazzi per il lavoro per questo piccino.😇😘❤
Buon viaggio piccolo tesoro ❤
Les queda el Cosuelo de Todo lo que Hizieron Para Salvarlo, ahora descansa y estará en el Recuerdo de todos los que Seguimos su EVOLUCIÓN NO PUDO SER , AHORA ESTA EN EL CIELO DE LOS CACHORITOS, GRACIAS🙏😢🐕