🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/gyoznmQ9vXe8GCcXA
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VS1 2K ▶https://amzn.to/3W85Xyo (5% off promo code: dashVS1cam)
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. AccessRealEstatePros – https://youtu.be/xM6Ad41bPAA — Be Careful out there
2. Mike Saleski – https://youtu.be/KrRq-ckfftQ — Captiol Expressway Accident
3. ahman williams – https://youtu.be/TR0hU3cHW88 — crash on i15 southbound
4. Anonymous
6. Anonymous
7. QCDashCam – https://youtu.be/PPsqNP4Bxkw — Tesla and Audi test
8. Richard Wheeler – https://youtu.be/84M1wvKk4qg — Car Accident
9. Bob Belin – https://youtu.be/-XfONS4cXBk — 20240402DryCreekCrash
11. Rick B – https://youtu.be/VlCtBIsjCxo — Rear ended at high speed
12. Will B
13. u/tlcgogogo
14. Anonymous
15. Anonymous
16. Let’s See How It Goes – https://youtu.be/sLjnJpMIOwQ — Honda Rear Ended
17. u/riceilove
18. Cdmak254
19. trevor00412 – https://youtu.be/Y4IbtUN-fi4 — Accident
20. u/springbby24
21. Calvin W – https://youtu.be/vXJBk46RaI8 — Airdrie Car Crash
22. Anonymous
23. Eddie
24. Gabe – https://youtu.be/7qnN0unr-bk — Wolfbox DashCam Video
25. thirty_one_zees
26. Baby Megatron – https://youtu.be/mzRtx-65jH0 — She cheated death
27. Joel Ivory Johnson – https://youtu.be/Vvn8equ8qEs — Atlanta Collision
28. Gualberto Figueroa – https://youtu.be/6RflUrw48LE — M_Accident_Part
29. Seventh Level Reptiles – https://youtu.be/sifrfBqiNVI — Don’t Use Your Phone
30. u/ejones10
31. u/golfishard1
32. jaantu – https://youtu.be/dQvJecN_KwI — GMC Backing up
33. Teddy
34. etsonpina13
35. Jamo – https://youtu.be/PigGGM9Cv2A — Greensboro NC ACCIDENT
36. AlkakT HC – https://youtu.be/ZWVlBUh_4gA — 3/26/2024 – State Farm – Claim
38. Joy
39. SJ
40. Anonymous
41. Jose Lorenzo – https://youtu.be/l-otUXf6MX0 — Hit and Run
42. Thepopmario Games – https://youtu.be/pUsnDr64FSE — Car Crash
43. Kammy
44. @ATT879 – https://youtu.be/VS9PpyCRaH4 — Car crash
45. u/Exhausted_Love
46. Anonymous
47. Keen Observations – https://youtu.be/gCY4NkzFhwc — Who’s at fault here?
48. I haz Dashcam – https://youtu.be/DlTyIA-yZfY — Accident Indian School
49. Anonymous
50. Erik Espedal – https://youtu.be/twI57TtgNqI —Car Accident
51. NepaliAmir – https://youtu.be/RMcystyOicM — Mercedes Car Crash
52. M M – https://youtu.be/JefHxlTuNCM — Crazy driver hit and run away
53. Anonymous
54. SP Detectors – https://youtu.be/eA87Yais2Es — car accident
55. Aj Clouds
56. Anonymous
57. James Russell – https://youtu.be/KX42nfxtfd8 — 20240328181906
58. Will
59. u/thesystemmechanic
60. DeletedSoul
61. u/Vinceluck
62. u/drumad_
63. Anonymous
64. Wes Watkins – https://youtu.be/Ongr1fZAYaU — Car crash on SR-19
65. Yoshinerd87
66. Anonymous
67. Anonymous
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
Send your videos here: https://forms.gle/gyoznmQ9vXe8GCcXA
See you back tomorrow for the usual video!
Es könnten soviele Unfälle vermieden werden wenn mal bisschen gebremst werden würde.Aber es wird immer drauf gehalten.
28. If you pause @9:37 you can clearly see she is paying attention to the phone in her hand, not to mention at the start of the video she is crossing the fog line into the hard shoulder and makes zero effort to brake… Distracted driving, failure to maintain control, etc etc…
As someone who experiences road rage, I will still never understand people who actively try to run people off the road. If you are so volatile and emotional that you want to end a life over being cut off, then you legally shouldn't drive. Maybe go to therapy and stock making your problems everyone else's, selfish baby.
11:12 Cam driver clearly has no idea how a roundabout works. The other driver lane allows them to go right or straight to the next stop. Theirs only allows the next exit or around to the 3rd exit.
@BadDriversOfItaly quanto vorrei un VAR sul video. Ogni clip è pregna di errori da tutte le parti. Solo che temo dovrebbero rivoluzionare sia il Codice della Strada, sia la Costituzione (per tutti quelli che girano senza patente), sia mentalità. Tra chi necessità 3 giorni per frenare e chi non rallenta in prossimità delle intersezioni, penso che almeno metà degli incidenti erano evitabili. Soprattutto in un paese dove la sanità è privata LOL
19:56 you were in the wrong. There are two lanes, you are supposed to pull into the one closest to yourself. Instead you immediately merged over into his lane.
I don’t get how insurance works when a car damages more than 2 cars we need a new law make sure these insurance pay the other driver asap not 2 years later
3:12 Yes you had the green light giving you the right of way. But it doesn't mean that you are clear to go though. I mean what were you doing that you didn't see the cars turning and blocking you and you had plenty of time to slow down so you would miss them. 20% of the blame is on you.
Call out to the editor for replaying some of the videos in slow motion, cos they can happen so fast at times, I find myself having to scroll back.
#51 – From where I sit, it looks like the cammer is in the wrong!
#45 – With a hairdo like that I doubt he'd be able to hide!
#39 – What's the point of a rear camera when most vehicles don't display front plates?
#24 – Seems that safety barrier may need extending!
#17 – Shits me when people do that.
#6 – That was an interesting side manoeuvre after being hit!
19:54 cammer at fault for improper lane change in an intersection. Doesn't matter they had a green. When you turn, you must turn into the lane closest to you.
SUV always rollover
driver @5:40 is probably at fault. You can legally turn right on red and homie made no attempt to slow down. How much attention are you paying?
#61. Crazy lady turning around against a solid white line, no signal and blames man for driving straight. ugh
20:02 you didn’t pull your lane. You caught yourself in 4k bub
At time stamp 20:47, lady made a u-turn after going wrong way on one way street, stopped and and crossed the solid white no pass line and into the vehicle driving correctly. Then she had the fool idea that her turn signal gave her the right of way to drive into the vehicle properly observing the lanes. Hope she found out how wrong she was…😂
When real life turn in to gta and rocket league
#5 1:28 rSlash. Nice
Most of these , people could have avoided the dumber, expect people to run lights and drive like it's their first time.
.61 = Karen
11:19 #34 cammer needs to figure out how to use round-a-bouts/rotary's it's very obvious he has no idea what he's doing and 100% at fault.
0:00 "My Curse". Such a good song! ♥♪♫
#18. You got enough time to lay on the horn, you got enough time to slow down.
Going 20mph in a parking lot is really smart
14:35 a perfect insurance scam
What's up with the guys in the trucks. Both of them were trying to show each other who is the boss and the one purposely t boned the other.
Some of these accidents look like they could be avoided. It’s almost like some of them didn’t put the brakes on just to prove a point. Or maybe they weren’t paying attention either, I don’t know.
I have been following your channel for a long time I love it.
I want to know if the cop in #45 caught that runner.
19:48 is 201 W Tregallas Rd
Antioch, California , cammer drove into the wrong lane of oncoming traffic, ive had a similar incident years back with dashcam footage where this exact accident happend to me but i was on the far left lane and the other party, lets say, the truck, drove into my lane, the cammer will loose in court, good luck! youll need it. 19:54 shows the other car entering a propper lane and you taking both lanes, other car wins.
Some people just don’t know how to drive… another level of idiots in cars!
I wish I had a dash cam for when I was ran into the ditch 3 days ago by a driver who didn’t check his blind spot before switching lanes. He fish-tailed in icy weather and caused a huge accident. I lucked out just getting stuck in the grass with little damage.
If you all need a reason to buy a dash cam, THIS is it.
Why, when there is clearly a lot of room before, do people wait until a car is right on top of them to pull out and into the same lane as the car coming at them? And, if they really, really need to go, don't they immediately speed up? I see this and have had this happen to me so many times. It just boggles my mind.
Apparently everyone had the right of way just because they have their blinker on. No. Whoever is in the lane you want to go into has the right of way.
At 19:50 you were wrong.
At 20:22 she had more testosterone than he did. She was at fault.
If number 18 would’ve braked before hitting their horn, they would’ve been able to stop just fine. Hits their brakes last second and then blames it on the car who was already in front of them.
No 13 feels like a big case of FAFO – I hope everyone was ok, but I did giggle at it
No licence, no insurance, no accountability, no medical cover…who the hell would want to live in the US
SUVs always flip
That woman at 20:20 blamed the guy she hit when she didn't keep to her lane with a car coming in the other. Some of these drivers shouldn't have licenses, especially the ones who screw up and then blame others.
What if you use the same insurance company as someone else and your car is damaged less then there whod they pay out the one they'd need to pay less too or what or pay more put too or whoever has the better premiums idk
I like dashcam crashes in usa because everyone drives a suv with a high cg there lol
1:21 well now they can't leave the scene. 2:01 dude the insurance companies elongate everything make it more difficult then it has to be 2.5 years is wayyy to long it took 3 years for insurance to pay out when a drunk driver hit us and three other cars in cali and she was let off with a ticket stumbling and evrything smelled of liquor too she even had her kid in the car too. 3:19 maybe did that on purpose to get some more money for a new car. 5:36 they either got a new car or buffed it out by then.11:10 your in a day cab!!! There's nook way you didn't see that car