I got my Halloween Special done in time! Hope y’all like it – it’s a change from my normal content but it’s still a comic I’m super passionate about.
Intro: 0:00
The Characters: 1:46
The Comic: 4:19
Thoughts: 13:41
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Hashtags: #horror #fridaythe13th #texaschainsawmassacre #jasonvoorhees #leatherface #tcm #horrorcomics
"Jason Voorhees would destroy Michael Myers…" … … dude can barely handle Leatherface
It’s so crazy ppl hate Superman but love Jason it’s literally pointless for him to go against anyone if he can’t lose lmao boring lazy character but ig I get it to compete w Michael at all they had to make him super immortal
I also hated this comic for fumbling what should have been one of the coolest crossovers ever
Not gonna lie, I had no idea Jason vs Leatherface was an actual thing until now! The amount of popular comics some of us haven't yet seen or heard about is mind-blowing 😂
Where can i get horror comics ? Am in uk do more bro
Jason vs leatherface sounds like "Broken villains vs broken villains"
Jason vs Leatherface?? Are you kidding me people?? What nonsense! 😂
I only respect Jason Michael and Freddy. Bum ass Leatherface.
We Would Have The Movie Already But The Woke Would Just Ruin The Entire Franchise.
Imagine the movie…like, a movie taken seriously with some of the best screen writers involved. Probably, would be amazing. I'm talking about the 2003 and 2006 Thomas Hewitt, by the way.
Jason looks more like the guy from splitter house
Man are we serious here, jason would of killed all of them muthafuckas, when he walked up on leathwrface chasing the hitch hiker with his brother, and he sliced off leatherfaces hand he would of killed all three of them, end of comic, he wouldn’t of gave him back his chain saw tf.
Gawddamn this story is solid as shit.
I like it
The covers look amazing
ye :3
ye :3
Jason wouldn’t kick a dog ! 👁️ 👄 👁️ Muffin & Gordon looking down from doggo heaven
Why does leather face look like a black dude with a deformed face and a high top fade 😂
Sad they didn’t have chop top pre war could have been really cool to see the nut pre metal plate.
Jason Voorheres Wins
I like that they made jason sympathize to Leatherface, but what the hell was up with Hitchhiker!? He’s got a nazi tattoo and he acts like an evil brat towards Leathface, in the movie they were on pretty good terms, and only disrespected the Cook.
Jason is supernatural. Leatherface is human. It wouldn't even be a contest.
1:31 he looks like splatterhouse Rick even though was based on him
I absolutely love the art in these ive been sharing them on Facebook for a while i really the dark look from the 90s it has a grit to it i love
Ur a disgusting furry🤢🤮
This is cool
I read it a little while back. The whole comic was an interesting “what if” scenario, but they did my boy Hitchhiker so dirty. I get it was the 90s and they wanted to up the edge factor but my god.
Leatherface is human!! Jason will destroy him.. stop it
Leatherface all day long! Damnit Leatherface —- you ripped my Sonny Bono wig!!!!
Leatherface vs Michael myers who wins
Really think Jason would've gone back and killed them.
This would work well in yhe style of a children's cartoon with a British narrator
Honestly, the Friday the 13th comics are awsome: you got this, two sequel of Freddy vs Jason with Ash Williams, a prequel of the original with Pamela's story, some background on Crystal Lake's curse that would later help Jason become the monster he is, dating back to the native Americans, a girl that one day breaks down and decides "f. it, I'll kill all of my abuser and take the last one to Camp Crystal Lake for Jason to kill him", one of the original pieces of Jason on the spaceship are cloned into a normal Jason and he fights against Uber Jason to have his brain complete… and, my personal favourite, Jason kidnapping a kid bullied for his disfigured face (just like him) and becoming his best friend. WHY AREN'T THESE STORIES ON THE BIG SCREEN!? People that are working on the 13th movie: ONE OF THESE, PLEASE! We need to make sure that some of this becomes 100% canon!
It's awesome until it ends with Jason getting defeated by getting hit on the head with a sledgehammer lol
This shit was super fuckin whack. Delete it
Pinhead kills them all .
Something I picked up on is the use of shadows on Jason's mask to give him emotions
If they ate his heart they could become him 😅
That would be a kick ass film.
I love this ❤
A nice story I never knew of before. Pretty cool