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About the Author: thenewhosser10580


  1. But what George fails to mention is, if that was happening to him or his family. How would he feel? I don't think hed'd be saying this or feeling the same way.

  2. However, I still have sympathy for our children and all and every single animal on this good earth. Everybody else can just go to hell…me included! Fair is fair, methinks!

  3. How I feel about the hurricanes and flooding along the east coast right now.

    Yes. It is tragic. Yes. It is horrible. But I'm not going to deny the sadistic part of me smiles maliciously as all the people, especially the small buisness tyrant morons, cry.

  4. I agree with George’s rant except he’s missing that weather has and is being manipulated by external man-made devices and technology.

  5. My mother used to say that the only problem with the world was the human race, that if you eliminated the human race, you'd eliminate all the world's problems. Humans ARE the problem.
    Personally I look at the the human condition as Darwinian Selection otherwise known as removing the stupidity gene from the gene pool.

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