Batman: Arkham Knight – Red Hood Story Pack (Full DLC Walkthrough)
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I FREAKING love Jason Peter Todd so much
Alright guess I'm heading to the Gym then…
Batman: "If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same."
Red Hood: "That's why you got to kill lots of killers."
"Lore accurate"
Nope, all those baddies wouldn't been laid out. In the game, shots to the head don't kill.
I love the laser focus he had on Black Mask. Like everyone was trying to get him off and fight him but Jason just did the bare minimum to give him enough space so he can continue beating on Black Mask lol. Felt very familiar to I think maybe Daredevil but the only concrete scene I can compare it to is SM3 when Pete bitch slapped MJ.
What game is this
I don't think stealth was flawless.
If its possible
" how lore accurate deathstroke would fight "
It took Red Hood one night to permanently end a criminal on the caliber of Two-Face and Penguin.
How fucking fearsome Batman would be if he actually killed.
He literally apprehends every single Gotham villain for lunch and dinner imagine if he actually killed them.
Imagine all the lives he would save by not allowing these murdering psychopaths to roam the world freely.
He would literally fulfill his goal of becoming the symbol of fear.
The identical boxes with Chinese characters are marked simply “Shipping."
"Or perhaps he was wondering why someone would shoot a man, before t̶h̶r̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ h̶i̶m̶ o̶u̶t̶ o̶f̶ a̶n̶ a̶i̶r̶p̶l̶a̶n̶e̶ roundhouse kicking him in the face "- Bane
Are we all ignoring the fact that red hood sent a dude into the stratosphere at 1:32
I love that he has the lore accurate of his hunch back bc of what joker did to him that detail is 🤌🏼
New RockSteady: How do we get ourselves out of this hole we put ourselves in?
New RockSteady: Occulus Only Arkham Shadows game
"How about you go to hell, say hi to the Joker for me" that's tuff asf..
4:25 man I love that music bruh
This isn't much different from normal gameplay. You did really good with the intermittent beat-downs where you countered or punched other guys while beating up another guy against a wall. Going straight for Black Mask while throwing other guys off of you to keep beating on him is in character. Not bad, but not a spectacle. It may just be hard to do this with Red Hood.
honestly i feel kinda indifferent about the choice to give Red Hood super hunched posture
on one hand, it enhanced his look of an edgy teenager, paired with the hoodie and overall attitude
on the other, it just looks off. it feels less intimidating to see this hardened and incredibly skilled killer who can’t even stand up straight
I don't know why but it took me the longest time to find out that you could just kill people with his guns. It just never occurred to me
anyone talking about the guy disappearing at 1:33
1:32 damn that guy went to space
Ur combos r crazy
Bro this vid is so good
The Indiana Jones is strong with this one
Thug: "Smash his bones!"
Jason: "Alright."
"How about you go to hell? Say hi to Joker for me"
The most badass line ever💀💀💀
Red hood really could clean up gotham in like 2 months 😭