In this episode we teamed up with Ben from @Caspersight to investigate inside the world famous Jamaica Inn. One thing we knew we wanted to do is leave cameras alone as various points of the night to cover as much area as possible. Jamaica Inn is well known for it’s paranormal activity with many stories of popular hauntings.
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Hi this is Gem from the Jamaica Inn Paranormal Team, I pop up for a short while later in this one👋 I wasn’t actually working this night but so lucky to have witnessed the door incident with you in the museum Eliot, very strange!Things like that often catch us off guard. Awesome that you caught the lights on the bedroom corridor go off, I spend quite a bit of time sat out on the window ledge there while guests investigate inside the bedrooms. There does need to be a good amount of movement to set them off & there are cctv cameras on that floor. The lights go on when no one is physically seen moving. The possible shadows in the museum were interesting too, all I can say is that on an investigation the team will shut the heavy curtains to cut out any light contamination coming from the car park.
Lovely to meet you all, you were all respectful, kind & great fun. Love the video, keep in touch x
One of my favorite novels of all time! By one of my favorite authors too. I didn't know the inn actually existed lol
❤👻 ❤
37:42 maybe a whistle or a bird; again at 38:21; again 38:58; interesting explore and a beautiful place. 👍👍👍
More made up classroom tv
This and twin paranormal are my go tos!!
Ben's very concerned about what the ghosts have in their pants.
If the little girl likes to play in the corridor, then why wouldnt you put the cat balls or the music box? These are things you'd think may interest a child.
Loved you guys from the start, and recommended you to all my HyenaParanormal fans…suspense is excellent, and is how it should be done…altho your methods of checking for humans and hand signals when you have to be quiet, need some work 😉…this episode I wasn't too keen on, as it was taken over from you, which made it all about someone I didn't want to watch… interesting evidence, and I trust you when you say things happen off camera…but colabs…no, stick to what you do best, on your own…PS, like you've mentioned before, you keep using words like "communication" " devices" "conversation" "amazing" etc etc…all words that wouldn't mean a thing to a 200+ yr old spirit…you should speak in very plain English and use "talk" and "red light" "blue light" etc, and maybe one time try saying "we have put lots of things around your house, but we don't want you to go near them"…you get some good results flipping it like that…
why do people all ways say we are not going hurt you if there is ghost there you cant hurt them they wont feel pain
I wish you guys had used one of the spirit talkers apps, or SB7 or get some EVPs because you asked the spirits to physically make noise or move things, but they might not have the energy to do that. You may have gotten more evidence if you gave the spirits a wider range of devices to communicate through
I’ve subbed purely because Ben told me to. And I always do what I’m told, except when I don’t. True story.
This is making me feel like a 7th generation Flomidian 💀😂 ifykyk
Brian Badonde!!! It's actually him! 😂😂 Funny AF
<3 <3 <3
The dream team. Get Daz too
I absolutely LOVE when you guys colab!!! Great investigation!!! XOXOXO 💜💜💜
I have been subscribing for this channel for sime time, but I don't get any notice when new things are put out. All notifications are turned on. Strange, but Caspersigth mentioned it in his video today. So here I am, I'll check in more often. 🙂
This is epic 😎 I love it when you 3 do a collab ❤️
31:51 I heard the whistle
With Ben's orb depends distance etc you won't always Pick it up on every camera
Ben you're hilarious as a reactor , but you talk to much in a invetagation lol
Was there a pool table in the pub section? The one sounded like a snooker ball being played
Hey guys. Question for you. Do you guys believe there's life after death? It's a question that really bothers me, some days I think about it all day, several days at a time. I'm terrified to die. I'm terrified of what's next, if anything. I listen to a lot of NDE's, which only bring mild amounts of comfort. I just hate that I was born due to some random, insane, mentally unstable people doing the no pants dance. I was abused until my late 20's. Now I just float through life, miserable, doing the bare minimum to get back to my bed as soon as I can, with a few flecks of joy here and there. Overall, I've lived a very painful life and it bothers me that I'm a random product, another number in the sea of people this world holds. I go to work everyday, and operate as a mindless, expandable drone. One day I'll die. Hopefully how and where will be in my control. But maybe I'll die of a disease in my 30's or get into some accident in my 40's. I hate that it might just be lights out, that my consciousness will just stop. And that's it. I won't know I even died or how or anything. But maybe there's an afterlife. Maybe I'll find happiness, love, safety, and security on the other side, assuming there is the other side. I'm scared and depressed. I feel like I don't matter, none of us do because we're all just going to die, be forgot, and that's it. If there's nothing after, and everything is painful, then why is this life even meaningful or worth it. I'm curious on your thoughts.
Great Vid Gents – The whistle at 37:42 sounded to me like the call of a LITTLE OWL. Hope that helps.
An amazing investigation. Thanks guys!
Dreamteam. Brilliant!!
That was absolutely brilliant! You are so professional and worked really well with Ben. Thanks guys!
If you think you are contacting a child, why not try some old time nursery rhymes.
The hole time i lived in cornwall I've never been their worked out by the place many times ' butn seeing this I'm gonna go check it out👌🙏
Re: 17:21 where you're talking about something on the left "walking away from the camera" – I hate to burst your bubble, but that is more than likely a hair. Much like we have dust floating about, we also have human and pet hairs floating about as well. And like dust, hairs also reflect light from cameras.
I would've asked to ring the bell if they wanted a drink 🍸
That was great boys, & Thank you!
In my opinion I think these official “paranormal places” are staged and fake. Abandoned buildings and houses are what made this channel great along with it just being Joe and Elliot. I feel like the collaborations aren’t genuine especially with ones that want to talk after every little noise like Ben and these three ladies. Just saying, stick with what made this channel the best paranormal channel out there.
Pink eye is contagious even if "eye doctors say everything is 'fine'" heheh
I believe in orbs. I have seen many and in different sizes and colours.
They move differently than dust and insects.
Much like movement and sounds. They may be caught on one camera but not another.
I believe the child may have died of an illness. And often spirit does not know how they passed.
Having had motion lights myself. They seem to like seeing that they can create the lights going off and on.
I thought it was kind how Joe backed away from the kitchen unsure if he were allowed in. Nice to know many still have respect for others and bounderies.
Really fun episode. Nice place. I kept reading as much of the displays as i could…
Well done as always.. 👍👍
Great video even though nothing really much happened
My mum that's pretty skeptical had an experience here that made her question her stance. She was washing her hands when she had a sudden tap on the shoulder, fully expecting to see her granddaughter, alas nobody in sight. Another great video guys. Yes for green! 💚
I heard the whistle
i hear whispering 1:01:52-54 but can’t quite make it out…happens just before Eliot says “hello”. great episode guys!!
Great episode guys!!!!
I heard that little whistle too, Eliot.
To get the spirits name try going through the alphabet and when the bell goes off on a letter you then start again from A to get the next letter of there name ect
Lovely and engaging to see Ben in another investigaton!!
Bravo, this was excellent x
Better a ghost that squeezes bums than one that grabs crotches.
The thing I like about the two of you is that you don't declare that every speck of dust is an orb.❤
That was Brill ! You are all so good at what you do …mainly making people forget about their sometimes crappy day and putting a smile on our faces …love you guys …take care now 😂❤