He Found 3 Puppies On Side Of Road | The Dodo

He Found 3 Puppies On Side Of Road | The Dodo
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Naill found 3 tiny puppies on the side of the road!

Wait to see them get adopted together ❤️

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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. >Pale coat
    >Living on side of dirt roads
    >Pristinely white/gold/yellow furred, spotless
    Bruh, my dog's white paws are PITCH BLACK when he spends two seconds in dirt let alone lives in it, you planted these 💀

  2. Is anyone going to question this first off How do u know there is 3 🧐 second how u know one was a girl before even picking her up 👀hope u didn't do this for s TikTok Bec thats sick

  3. Ohhh poor babies were SO afraid of human contact. Some people are just aholes and or plain stupid. Take these pets somewhere safe to be cared for or put the word out for adoption etc etc. Clearly someone dumped them or the mother when she was pregnant more likely, just cruel. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING THEM; So happy they're ok now !!! 🤎🤎🤎

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