For the love of selfies or the lack of it! 🤣🤣 #Selfie #Fun #Technology #Archive #MemorY #Moments #Misfire #Self-love #Life #TiH #ThisIsHappening
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Darwin's finalists Compilation
I have ZERO selfies and their are less than 10 pics of me after age 16
Glad ive always hated my picture being taken
stupid people…stupid world
1::12 They took Selfie Stick very literally 🤭😂😂👍😎
Stupid people win stupid prizes. Sympathy? ZERO!😂
Put the phones down people. Life is passing you by.
What dummies. The two drunks in the bar–must ban phones!
When the camera goes on the brain turns off ,,,,
That transformer speaks for all of us 😂
"Dopóki nie skorzystałem z Internetu, nie wiedziałem, że na świecie jest tylu idiotów" – Stanisław Lem
1:00 Dum-dum of the day award 🤣
is it "fails"or failure…i thought fails was a verb
I hope nobody was badly hurt.
Maybe they think about a life without permanent Mobile in their hands.
As usual, what are the comments? "Kidz 2day are baaadddddd my gen was perfect and beautiful" crap.
1:19 the snort laugh… LOL
What is the purpose of this video? Just shows a bunch of narcissistic idiots being stupid
Narcissists that have no problem looking into a camera but can't look you in the eyes when walking by.
I Guess the elephant don't like Selfies.
The Selfie Thickos.
These days people can afford to die for a bloody selfie..
I'm 34 & I think I was the last generation before all of this nonsense 🙄 this what they do.. phone permanently attached to their hands so they miss the world. Only seeing it through a lens and only putting up fake pictures and fake stories for followers and likes it's really sad & pathetic
And these so called stupid psychologist say that you should love yourself by taking a selfie!!
Look at me look at me
I can't even imagine living my life with a phone/phone stick stuck in my hand.
This is what happens when society rewards narcissism & self-absorbtion.
Wish these were more serious injuries..
Lovers of themselves. The narcissistic generation
The horse was not into kissing so he or she either attempted to mount the girl and that's why it's foot came up ,, notice the horse was aggressive
The most useless, self obsessed generation in the history of humanity
Beta male too busy making silly faces for a camera to check if his friend has broken bones… Alex Jones was right about the Atrazine.
Selfie is selfish
S T U P I D I T Y has a twin.His name is SELFIE
The selfie generation in love with themselves .
We have become a society of self-absorbed doucenozzels, this does my soul good.
“Grandma, what are you doing?! 😂
7:30 грёбаный Джигурда.
6:39 flying swing could kill on the head…..😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😱💀
4:33 cool spinoff