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Raccoons looked at it like a new dish
They make those wxcercise wheels for cats! Those would definitely be big enough for a racoon
Time to diy a bucket into a raccoon wheel
You need a raccoon wheel at this point. Not a hamster wheel 😂
They have wheels for cats.
The Witness is kind of the anti modern AAA title. No fomo, no arbitrary unlocks (if you know the puzzle solution you just get it, no button input check or level check), no MTX and no unneccesary sequel, even though I would love more puzzles tbh haha.
Might have to build one-
A cat exercise wheel would be the right size for a raccoon
Leave it there for a while and go back to film, they tend to have some neophobia and need to acclimate to the wheel
Cat wheels
Get cat run wheel. It should be fun.
Keep it in the same location for a while and once they get used to it they may give it a try. However if it’s a loud hamster wheel (like one that rattles when it moves) they will most likely decide to give it a miss cause too much noise could attract predators
Fun experiment but also: even if you find a new object in your environment that you don't understand can be used, you'll not necessarily bother to see if and how it's usable.
Aka even pets learn slowly at some point how to use their furniture. Meanwhile these sweets can't always afford to play, when they're on their way to safety or to fill bellied 😁
Cat wheels would work great
Dull video
cat running wheel for the racoon?
Bruh a coworker has a wheel for her cat. Its a good 3ft/1m in diameter which is perfect for a raccoon
My grandma had a racoon and made it a wheel using a small doggie swimming pool. Just had to make sure the sides werent sloped.
Racoons should fit in a cat wheel
Imagine this happened to us. Like you're walking about your normal day when a human size hamster wheel just existed in a location you normally waked. No explanation just there.
I think it was a university. They did this same experiment and left it for several days. The expected animals like mice and raccoons got on, but also unexpected animals got on: frogs, turtles, a slug 😆
I think a chinchilla wheel might work? Is that a thing? A cat wheel would definitely work!
It smelled like people, of course they don't trust it. Leave it for a while.
This makes so much sense to me. I helped my mom raised orphaned baby raccoons we released back to the wild once they were big enough, and they like to explore and investigate
I’d kill to see a raccoon play with a raccoon sized hamster wheel 😂
Look for a cat wheel
I think you need to have both sides open. Animals are sort of weird having their vision so blocked In the wild. I bet if it was a mesh or at least where you could exit from both edges you’d have more luck
Rub some dirt on it to get the human scent off it
And just think we've eliminated over 70% of wildlife in the last couple of decades.
The wheels are to give animals the chance to run and exercise, but wild animals already have that opportunity. So , it may take a while before an animal finds the wheel to be enrichment.
I don’t know why, but “Hamster wheel? Not wheel, viel! The power of Hamsterviel!”
That racoon wanted it so bad you could tell
There needs to be food on it or something, otherwise they won’t figure it out
Raccoon activity for sure.
There are wheels for cats size 😂 pleeeeeaaaase i wanna see a fox having fun with it
I wonder why these wild animals won’t interact with a completely alien plastic object that appeared out of nowhere? Don’t they know (how would they know) that wheels are proven stress relief? Brother
Wild animals aren't as stressed as captive ones. They get all their running done naturally. The wheel would only make noise and maybe attract a predator for them.
Mink sounds like a slur
The wildest thing to me is that for a scientist to do something like this in a legally and ethically sound way, even though it's just setting up a toy and a camera, we'd have to fill out an IACUC and get committee approval.
They're trying to survive out there. They're not locked in a cage and need to run. They're trying to save calories 😂
Animals yearn for the wheel
adapt to nature, make it out of wood
very recently did this for my animal behavior class and not one animal gave af😭💀 we used a hamster wheel and a big cat wheel. we spread around sardines, seeds, and acorn scent! all of the animals were only eating the food we put out lol
Why would they run on a wheel when they can actually just run? Hamster wheels are cause hamsters are kept in cages and can't run freely.
Make it brown
3d print one