7 SCARY GHOST Videos You’ve Never Seen
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Maybe the oxxo stores are cursed
So england and america are the only countries in the world according to you? Is that correct?.
The one with Connor in there was two faces
Video (2),, The car ride. That looks like a Wolf, thàt also can be another nalefir a devil. I didn't have the chasing running movements, just holding the car speed, very even and stamp like, outside the car following it like it gliðes hump free .❤
In holy Qur'an Allah says that He has created jins or ghosts and human beings for his worship.
Jins are present everywhere, in any nook and corner of the world.
I have my own experience of jins in my life and it has happened many times.
One day, i was walking in my orchard after sunset. There was absolutely calm in this moonlit night, i heard some walking and talking of some strange person in front of me. I couldn't see the person. Later i asked him who he was. He said i am sher khan ,the king of this area. I was puzzled as no one was infront of me. The night was so moonlit that i could see even a needle on ground.
Many such events occurred.
The first clip seemed genuine. 👻 The other videos, not so much tbh. Still MJ, I enjoyed watching. 👍👻
812 min if you puse it you can see a figure bending down in blue when he comes back it’s not there and puse it a 802 min
Its about time a "ghost hunter" actually went after the ghost (you know like a hunter does) when they saw it, instead of standing there asking more questions and then getting a little jump scared and then leave! Its like dang you called me out here and then you leave?! What kind of "help" is that?? No wonder why they follow them home sometimes and haunt them! 😂
They have caught a real ghost in the forest
The face of a ghost looking into the back seat of a moving car, I wonder if there are any parts on that car that came from an automobile salvage yard
Scream freak79 guys are really crazy ghost hunters I like the way they chase the spirit ❤🎉🎉🎉
Horrible editing on the guy alone in the gas station…
The face in the car window could be the face of the person holding the camera.
The ghost in the forest is probably a juvenile Bigfoot person.
The Clerk at the convenience store is full of … He gets into the refrigerator places his cellphone up on a shelf then proceeds to moves 2 drinks out of his way so viewers can get a better look. Starts randomly moving bottles around setting them in the wrong places clearing the area where the person walked by…then he made sure he was ducked down so people could get a better view. 99.99% of all paranormal videos that come from Central and South America are faked. People just need to not be dumba**es and pay closer attention to the details. They tend to do it everywhere in the world including the U.S but hispanic countries are the #1 perpetrators for faking the paranormal. I can debunk all of these but 1. The one at the beginning seems legit. But then again there's AI.
11:12 u can clearly see the film jump meaning 2 things 1) camera frame frozed and only capture the 1st female walking in walking behind the door a bit later due to the fact that u can see the jump on the door or 2) they paused the video, moved the female behind the door, then moved and edited vid together to make it look as if something popped up. Only way to see if nothing was done to the video is to show the time stamp on camera to see if the time doesn't jump but u can clearly see the jump by looking at the door. Nothing paranormal
Anyone else here from Caspersight ????
Oxo store in the second clip — go check if the wind is blowing in and pushing those open? I'd definitely go look! If someone is back there, they need to go away.
More intelligence insulting clips. Cheers!….
Let's goooooo MINDJUNKIE!!
The longest shorts i watch in youtube for the first time.
Let's go 👻💀☠️👽👹 MJ my dear friend, let's do this! Thank you so much for your hard work,and for great, creepy Video! Keep 'em coming 👻👻! Stay safe! All the best! Peace! 😊
Clip 2: if anyone grabs me from behind with force, they better buy me a drink first 😂
Can't wait for the end of the whole year's all videos compliation
There's a lot of witchcraft and satanic worship that goes on across Latin America. Cartels use it, believing that performing rituals and sacrifices to demons will earn them protection provided they uphold their side of the contract (offering up blood sacrifices etc) To those seeking rewards in this life such as wealth, to go unpunished whilst living a criminal lifestyle, that they nor their families get murdered, that their illegal "product"/income is also protected whilst under their control. The cartel member know that the Christian God does not promise you any of those things, and you're not supposed to live that lifestyle. The Catholic religion is taken extremely serious all across Latin America and without doubt the cartel members would have been taught that Satan promises you things God will not, Satan let's you reap those things he grants in the here and now, whereas God makes you wait until death (Heaven.) This is why I believe witchcraft/satanism is rife throughout Latin America. The one's who chose the wrong path in life had to fill the void left from denouncing religion so it makes sense they switch to putting their faith into worshipping demons. Just as Catholicism bonds communities, Witchcraft/ Satanic worship bonds those in organised crime. Whenever I've seen video's about demonic entities from Latin American countries the strength those things exhibit is off the charts!! Seeing this paranormal activity with the fridge doors opening, random ones at that just shows how bold these 'dark' entities are. They mean it for everyone to notice, they choose to operate in well lit areas, they don't do things that could be excused as a possible draft, they don't need any type of invitation to permit them across any threshold. Maybe the sheer numbers of blood sacrifices they receive courtesy of organised crime is what makes demonic energy that strong over there? But what is it about the Oxxo stores? We'll probably never know, but it's almost as though the entity wants all the employees from multiple stores to talk publically about it, so that eventually the problem has to be addressed and an attempt made to stop it? Until then, this energy is just gonna increase and get stronger!! That could prove fatal for business, especially as the same issue is occurring in multiple stores in many different areas. It's almost as if that's the entities goal, to financially ruin the person who founded and runs the chain? Maybe their wish for financial success was granted but their end of the bargain is not being met anymore?? The entity is causing havoc sending a "remember me? I'm gonna be hanging out in your stores until I receive what YOU owe ME!!!"
Thanks to Iran❤
Howdy mindjunkie thanks for the video