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#FailArmy #Fails
Some of these clips are sooooooooooooo old. Do you just recycle everything and post it on a new channel?
The first one is great.. woke up the two old pups on the couch
Dogs are cute but sometimes cause unexpected accidents to their owners. 😀 Wish everyone who raises dogs good health
43 "And stay down!!!"
Does anyone else feel like their survival skills improved after watching this? I know I do! 😂
3:00 got sledjacked
0:16 what a naughty dog
3:49 big back
Thank you, this short video is very good. Please do more
84 and 70 😂😂 and the way the humans looked at each other at the end of 38, baha
#68 you just know
these single white women with medium/large breed dogs…you just know.
The woman laughing at the dog not only going over the fence, but hitting it so hard part of the fence broke, is such a callous idiot. How can that be considered "hilarious "?? The fact whoever does this channel thought it should be labeled "hilarious" is just as questionable. Poor dog, I hope he/she was ok😢
0:17 a real man's best friend
When more than one moose hits the dirt do we say meese?
every dog is precious and pure.
some cats too
Youtube and social media are over guys…we consumed everything…thats why now are boring…its the end.
The first dog was smashing
silly fall
82 is my favorite! Even the dog knew that had to hurt.
100* reasons to never want a dog.
funny video