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About the Author: interestingtopics101


  1. That is the dumbest experiment I’ve ever heard of them again that blk dude always question things as if he has no belief. He’s not that intelligent Joe needs to talk to people who can relate not people who want to question everything

  2. There are many experiences even supported by the surgeons where ppl came back after being pronounced dead to tell the doctors where they were, that they left the room and returned, wearing different clothing, or a new person came in to begin cleaning the room and was described by the deceased. So, don’t be skeptical.

  3. Yeah, I'm gonna die to read some stupid piece of paper on the cealing and then come back to tell about it, instead of taking a life review and meating my guardians. What a piece of bs, NDT is way beyond his field of expertiese.

  4. They did this test in the remote viewing experiments, but also there are people, including myself, that have had countless out of body experiences and observed things that they could be verified with others. This in itself tells me more than science can prove. Science is a logical process of evaluation which needs objective evidence in which many others can validate and observe the process to prove as fact. Science is for understanding the natural world. I don't think we are smart enough yet to develop a science that can concretely validate the spiritual world just yet. We have endless case studies to research, but there really is no convincing anyone, scientist or laymen, unless the person experiences it for hims/herself. Which again renders invalid what science itself would need to prove an afterife . It's a subjective experience….with many many of the same characteristics, yet still so individual to the person.

  5. I'm telling you absolutely you will leave your body when you die sometimes you may be confronted with demonic beings right off the bat this is happen to good people this is happening to fad people I mean you really do want to help that you have a relative or a unfamiliar being that's a good one there waiting for you to take you off and go get you out of there it seems to be where you'd I kind of depends kind of where you can end up cuz on the other side of us the other dimension you could say sometimes I mean on the other side there's good places in bad places just like here I mean the whole other side is huge its multiple Dimensions over there and if you know anything about the next dimensionality in there are people that confer this kind of thing like Billy Carson he speaks on the next match naudi that you will have like you said you'll have 360 degree vision you will be able to know a huge amount of things just by looking at people like he's like you could gather the history you know things just a lot of things that sound really crazy don't make any sense unless you study the whole science of dimensionality and stuff but she's is scientific genius she got in a serious accident when he was like 20 years old costumes brain-damaged stuff like that but he ended up getting better and he's one of these people that became a scientific and mathematical genius after a brain injury like that he's lucky one guy became a master musician just a piano genius you can literally see notes and all sorts of things some of these people have had a traumatic brain injuries as an adult and had somehow became a savant straight genius no training necessary I must be great I'm a musician the old-fashioned way it took a lot of hard work I wish it would happen to me. LOL no I assure you the soul is made out of something that we don't know much about yet it is around forever you're still goes on and on and on you be amazed to find what most people find when they die that exists next dimensionality time is completely different there some people say there is no time there you have 360-degree Vision everything is just completely different there you'll be amazed to find who is there waiting for you and find who is real find out who is real and what they can do so many things I said about people with mental abilities and all sorts of stuff was not true here but it's true there cuz that's the electric dimension when your stories of Muslims and atheists and all these people meeting Jesus it's going to blow your mind. I could see this little easier cuz I've died a little bit and I know people who have died come back several times piece some of them I was a hardcore atheist I moved into a horrific way haunted house at one point and I spent 30 years studying the supernatural sense in the things I've heard and seen so powerful most you wouldn't accept it but I don't blame you I couldn't either until I heard and seen it I still didn't believe it took a lot. But God bless you will find your way to one place or the other just so you know how is real quite a few atheist have found themselves there and some are lucky enough to find their way back out sadly the majority won't.

  6. Is black-eyed mr. Tyson here is a coward he is always making things impossible till you cannot argue against his point. And anybody I've ever seen try to argue their point with him if he's ever wrong you raised his voice still stand up and make his eyes real big just like black people tend to do when they feel the wrong and decide they want to challenge somebody he does that I've seen him do his people good number of times and to the point where they become nervous they stutter their words or they step back a little bit and then he tries to scare them I can't stand when black people do these kind of things and Asia's just always right and he's always got an impossible thing for you to do to try to prove them wrong well I already know he's wrong because I know people who've had near-death experiences I go with the number them to a methadone clinic all the time I know all their stories I also study the Paranormal and I have really been looking to near-death experiences lots of videos so many times people have been out of their body and heard conversations like down the hall and between medical people or between their relatives lots of people do this.

  7. I love this guy but I totally disagree with this part.. there's already been a woman who died & She had a near-death experience and when she left her body she seen there was a shoe on top of the hospital so she told the maintenance people and the doctors and they explored it and found a shoe exactly where the woman told them it would be. So there's already proof of this, I'm sure that can't be the only one.

  8. There are multiple documented accounts of the exact circumstance happening with objects instead of writing that whatshisface states as proof, and I suspect he is well aware of such accounts of circumstances with objects & that's why he's using 'writing on paper' to validate his position…

    …if so, that's truly lame if not dishonest…

    …and why i only know of Joe Rogan & whatshisface through popping up amongst short videos & not through listening/watching their content, shows, etc.

    Ferk that 😂😂😂

  9. I died once I remember then I saw my family members who passed but I saw a man that I didn't recognize and later found out when looking through old photos that it was my great-grandfather from Ireland that I have never seen a picture of before because my mother had literally just gotten the photos after my grandma passed away and there was stuff that was packed from the seventies on top of it that have not moved so I never seen this man before but I knew his face

  10. It has been done several times one guy described seeing a shoe on the roof of the hospital and the doctors wanted to see if if he was correct and he absolutely was there several cases of this

  11. It doesn’t happen that way as far as I experienced i just went from being aware too clueless looking down at my body and unable to move bit had a panoramic view of everything but no feeling but I could hear my mom crying and people trying to calm her down and i was trying and realizing i was dead i shot through our roof into space so fast you couldn’t read anything for sure and i eventually got to where the gass looking cloud like formation like you see in pictures of space and i got to one that looked similar to a lion and went into the center and i was in heaven as far as i know bc i spoke to my grandmother who was dead and god its too much to type for me but alot was told to me before I seemingly just popped back in my body bc i was getting cpr and idk what else and everything has happened i was told about family members dying and friends and how they die and now its 2023 and everything has happened that i was told in 2007 by god and gma

  12. DeGrasse is wrong. 2 different scientists have complied experiences from 100's of not 1000's of NDE'S and without question, the scientists HAVE proven that to much is common to not grasp that it is true. A pastor compiled a VERY compelling book that speaks to the scientists findings in an amazing expose on the subject. Read: Imagine Heaven

  13. This experiment Neil is describing seems incredibly improbable. You not only have to tell someone to look out for the paper, but know if that person was going to have a near death experience (and not die). How would anybody test that.

    There are real examples of people being aware of things and conversations in other rooms though.

  14. Real shit! My dad died at the hospital he said he was hovering above the doctors working on him looking down and my dad had not one religious bone in his body but that experience made him believe in something

  15. Actually there are a few stories of people having nde's and doing exactly this with different random objects in weird places. It freaks the nurses and other staff out a lot

  16. Well I know for a fact that when I went into septic shock and my kidneys,lungs and heart stopped that I was on the ceiling looking down at my self on the emergency room bed and doctors working all around me. Everything was super bright and I could see and hear everything for a min before I floated back into myself. I didn't wake up in a coma till a week later but that's what I experienced but I stopped telling ppl about it about 20yrs ago bc ppl thought I was crazy or lying.

  17. Personal experience.
    Yes i have done that.
    I see myself floating seeing myself and position of on me of my bed with my parent because i'm scared sleeping alone, as i waking up i check it myself and it is the same as what i saw.

  18. There was another that had a person get beheaded and blink to show theyre still alive. Saddest part is thats called a high. Your brain releases vast amounts of dopamine to ease the process into death and replays your memories as a conferrer so you wont be scared for the next 5 minutes of death as you have died. But your nerves your body are still receiving messages from every stimuli after death. And seeing a light are your eyes shutting off and trying to fire back up hence the flash or light that you see. Pretty funny how science can explain everything

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