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#FailArmy #Fails
👏 It’s frustrating how much focus on filming for social media has led to avoidable accidents. 😤 Have you come across any specific trends or situations that highlight just how much social media is affecting people’s judgment? 🔍 It’s definitely something worth reflecting on!"
5:19 What the hell is this all about? Does anyone actually know what's going on with this scene?
Lot of these are your average fails, the best you can do is laugh it off. Were humans, were clumsy and error prone, there are 8 billion of us, odds are youll see a lot of silly mistakes happen just from statistics alone.
Also, dont exclude yourself from the pile. Youve screwed up before, it just wasnt filmed.
02:35 👎👎
5:20 WTF? Did someone open a garbage landfill in the middle of a forest?
4:44 I think they shouldn’t use it anymore.
15:13 Mark Fishbache?
For some reason thought the dog at 5:30 was also responsible for the previous mess. Tired I guess.
Многие из участников этого видео не знают что такое физика и гравитация, ну или у них 10iq, социал-дарвинизм 21 века👍
6:17 Дочь Марша 😆
5:17 Look at the mass
1:22 Ай эм сосай сосай сосай
the remorse showed by the cat and the dog that made a mess could not be more different haha
75% of video are not "fail" but just "human are stupid"
why does the americans like to do unthinkable things? do they actually think about the consequences?
4:49 "the gears look slightly" is the most random thing XD
This video title is what my mom calls me instead of my first name.
9:50 – A pancake's fallen on the floor, so let's scream and scream and scream.
Never mind the toasted sandwiches, my dude just destroyed an entire full grain silo…
so many of these are so obviously staged. Just annoying
Too many damn adverts on this channel now… Do not recommend!!!
Half of this is stupid people the other half is disgusting pets 🤢
That forest full of trash makes me sick
1:55 😳😳😳 it just flew off 😂😂
it is not a MARSHA, it is a russian name MASHA
What I'm learning from all this, maybe spend less time on your phones!
3:08 These kids have the soul of an 80s kid lol.
Any Idiot Can See That's Was Going To Fail !!!