Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS caught on camera by everyday people! Some VERY creepy and strange videos
In this video, we uncover some of the scary things lurking in haunted places and creepy basements. We’ll also check out a ghost in a haunted hotel, and a Korean ghost hunter who does a paranormal investigation in a haunted school and finds some angry poltergeists.
Tosauchi’s channels are impossible to find unless you can type in Korean, so here are the links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbx9MaT1BAc1A2ZhNQtpkmQ
AfreecaTV livestream: http://bj.afreecatv.com/sidekick3
If you enjoyed this video, you might also like this other Nuke’s Top 5 list: Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos You’ve NEVER Seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFEgiC8p70
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Its always a hoax according to nuke. Lol
The only thing that's true, is the girl on the trampoline! The rest of it is funny stuff
My husband and I have also experienced a lot of paranormal things. We also live in Sweden, so a lot happens here in this country as well. But if we ever catch something on camera, we'll send it to you @Nuke's Top 5
Threatening a ghost with a violent act thats funny
You went in to provoke a ghost what did you expect to happen
Basements are just creepy in my opinion
Nuke can you please upload another new top 10 videos I love your videos please do it!
One of the sceriest videos of nukes
IM SORRY yet another channel w the same "ghost" videos that was put out along time ago I'm getting real discouraged I know Im only 1 out of a million but I'm starting to become a skeptic when 10 years ago I was open to the idea use to get scared watching these videos but noe its the same thing onevey you tube channel just a different yt name I'm done thanks for the Entertainment
I sometimes forget that TechRax is a guess star YouTuber in this channel
Did anyone see two glowing eyes the one in Patrik jönsson?
Yoooo , 8/22/24 here . Was reminiscing the classics lol but
This was somewhat different , in come hell or high water. I can hear a women screaming saying “Ahhhh Help me” instantly gave me chills had to share ❤
2:24 where is he?
12:49 spiders are disgusting
Blud has the back rooms in his basement 💀
can anyone describe what's really going on in the screaming sound of the iphone in the hot spring? cuz i saw a similar video of a girl diving in the ocean and similar screaming noises happened, but not every time she went down. would be cool to hear any explanations for this.
If I was hunting ghost I would use
The brightest flash lights and use many of them and carry a gun
I'm less and less impressed by abandoned building videos. Abandoned buildings are often occupied by squatters. The "figures" seen in the school might well have been blurred in post to give them a ghost like appearance. Many of these channels are specifically about ghosts. So, there's plenty of incentive to fake videos to keep uploading content.
The trampoline video was questionable. Whatever was moving under the trampoline was too blurry for anyone to make claims about the "neck" of the figure. I don't think you can even say it was a person. It's just too blurry with lots of artifacts.
What i expected: sibal seki–
The korean dude: abuji emmonie 😂 so cute lol
Ghost hunter : shouting reveal yourself
Nuke it did not go well
Ghost it's show time
THE FIRST ONE WAS A TOTAL SET-UP…and what about "Mr. Come on out I will cut your throat, after I clean the poop out of my pants!"
difficult to take him seriously when he says "a whole nother"
Nuke: Did you see it?
Ghost of giraffe outside school: See what, bro?
Y do ghost Hunters shit themselves scream and run away that's wat they r hoping for to c or hear something otherwise y do it
Y would u haunt in a basement there must b nicer places that u have experienced in ur lifetime that's a whole lot nicer
Why run away if you’re doing an investigation and provoking the spirits? For God sake, man, stand your ground, and grow a pair! I’ve been doing investigations for over 30 years, if I ran away every time, something scared me, I’d never get any case solved, but it takes one hell of a lot of things to scare me now, because so far I have a 100% success ratein getting rid of the invading entities. It’s not that hard. You don’t have to have balls of steel, just determination expect the unexpected, and like I said, stand your ground, and let them know that you’re not going anywhere. They will back down.
11:10 It's pretty obvious that the strange sound came from the drone.
In the first one there was a pair of eyes(I think) 0:42
In the first vid after he sees the ghost, u can see it in the corner standing
You know I would always trigger my Anxiety with Bungee Jumping gone wrong
The schools out i saw 4
Man the title is really good but I have already anxiety a
2:52 little creepy shadow in the corner where he points the camera before turning it
I live in Quincy ill😂 And I never heard of this before