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📌Credits & Timestaps:
00:00 Intro
00:16 wolf dances
00:28 Luke Winder
01:26 TruckerLife99
01:53 Stan Davis
02:48 wolf dances
04:53 Dibjir
05:48 Ben Dover
06:03 Ragman069
06:40 Eric Johnson
07:17 Ronnie Tamez
07:33 Outro
#semitruck #trucking #trucker #americantruckdrivers
I’d give that a title of “twat in a pickup”
What a stupid video. SWIFT was not backing up!
sorry, but minneapolis doesnt have an i-280 south.
What the F*#* is it with American drivers & brake checking??🤔 Stupid, pointless, dangerous, who the f**# does that😶
~from a 63yr old Aussie
1:00 I never thought I'd say this but the Swift driver isn't at fault.
I was almost run off the freeway one morning by a semi raging with a pickup. funny how a little red light in his review mirror changed his attitude. he slowed down and acted like he was going to pull over but did not as I just stayed back. I stayed behind him until my exit a few miles further on.
As a trucker, all I want for Christmas is more space around my rig while I drive. In front, behind, driver side, passenger side, all my blind spots… all of it. All ya 4 wheelers goa way! Fa fa away!
Video segment with no title – how about, "Dumb Truck F*ck"?
Yea call it dumb ass meets dumb ass…
the 3rd truck needs to get the hell on down the road ! at 3.29
Bottom half of the third video that swift truck didn't back up into the other. The truck with the camera went forward and hit the Swift truck. Nice try! Note the ground moving back towards the actual truck that was moving!
Haha mama Luke!
Well who is the narrator of this video the part of the video about swift truck it did not back up the truck behind it moved forward. Pause the video right before it starts and look down it's clearly that truck rear-ended the swift truck
I quit driving trucks in the UK last year, too many blue haired self-entitled assholes. Modern EU trucks will brake if someone cuts in front, that's Carte Blanche to every self-entitled asshole on the road.
Only a total fool brake checks a big rig
@1:22 There's no safe following distance when you're behind a SWIFT truck. SWIFT is coming for you!
Thanks for reminding me why I sold my peterbilt
The vehicles are bigger. So are the a*seholes driving them. PATHETIC!
My dad sold heavy duty trucks in 60s, 70s, 80s (IH then Ford). His message to me was that you didn’t want to be near them on the freeway as they were much bigger than you and you would always loose in an accident. The funniest story he told me was one day a truck merged into his lane and side swiped him pretty bad. As he was scrambling to move over, he realized, hey, I sold that semi. It was early 70s and I recall seeing the sideswiped station wagon which was able to be repaired rather than totaled.
You would think that break checking would be something one truck would not do to another truck driver but it seems that is wrong ?
Drivers who want to have the biggest ⚾️'s also have the smallest brains.
3.40….. boys boys boys, take your penis measuring contest elsewhere. The highway isn’t the right place.
As much as I dislike swift for hiring crappy drivers, here in this video it’s clear that the swift truck was stationary and the idiot with the dash cam rolled up and rear ended the swift truck.
I am a firm believer that whenever people break check semi trucks, it should be considered a federal offense. Heck, the feds are all over the industry, so why not protect them.
Moron on his exercise machine someplace he didn’t belong. Stay off the highway. You’re not a motor vehicle.
As a trucker of many decades. If you are behind a truck that is blowing dirt, sand, or dust everywhere, instead of trying to pass them, just slow down and stay back. It isn't difficult. It is just a matter of being stubborn.
It's always some driver who probably has a 65mph truck in the center fkn lane, nobody in the right lane and then bitches when people have to pass them on right
No, he wasn’t annoyed that you were in a truck, he was annoyed that the sand that you were hauling was blowing all over the place including his car. I’ve seen a lot of you dump truck drivers never tarp your loads because you’re too damn lazy to get out of your truck and tarp the load. The sand that you’re hauling is like going through a sand blaster at 60 mph.
You never know what to expect with Idiots in Cars
The reason I gave up my cdl was that I had quit hitting the brakes when someone brake checked me…. I put the hammer down.
No I-280 in Minneapolis. It's MN-280.
Do not put "brake check" vids up unless they include the beginning that shows why the bc is pissed.