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Dogs Trapped After Valencia Floods Need Rescuing NOW! Make a donation today to help our rescue partner, Let’s Adopt International in Valencia, Spain.
At the Great House, the team has worked heroically since the storm began. The power went out at four in the morning, and since then we’ve only had the light from our phones. The dogs, soaked and trembling with fear, sought refuge as water flooded in from all sides. We had to move the cats to a safer room. Despite the circumstances, the animals have behaved like little heroes, facing the fear and cold standing shoulder to shoulder.
Today we tried to reach the shelter, but the chaos on the roads after the floods made it impossible. With access blocked, the team has been making an arduous effort since morning, navigating closed roads and damaged bridges, as the situation worsens due to the lack of supplies. Join us to see how this emergency unfolds.
to adopt any animal from Let’s Adopt International and Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue, email Viktor directly here: v.larkhill@gmail.com
But amid this tragedy, the people of Valencia are showing incredible solidarity and courage. Volunteers, neighbors, and organizations are working tirelessly to rescue victims, clean up the flooded areas, and provide aid to those who have lost everything.
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#dogdaddy, #dogdad
Help us after this terrible tragedy, the floods have been devastating to our opoeration. Your donation is the link between these dogs dying a horrible death or living the best possible life they can with the help of Viktor Larkhill and his famous team saving lives every day. For the cost of a cup of coffee you can ensure these former pets know what it means to feel love from humans, and not pain. Thank you for helping Viktor show love to these creatures much less fortunate. Use the YouTube Giving Button at the right or below this video, it is the most secure way to donate to Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue & Let's Adopt International.
Gracias a los rescatistas de animales perdidos!!!❤
Que paso con la sra fue por su perrito negro???????
Una cobijita para que se recuesten!!!!
En que han ayudado esos reyes??? Han mandado comida para todos incluyendo animalitos!!! Lo bueno de esto es que Yashua viene y como dice en la biblia los ricos no entraran al reino de los cielos!!! Y estos reyes si son católicos y leen la biblia lo deben saber.
Sigan pagando España los lujos de esta mujer y sus hijas sigan sigan ,ellos solo vinieron para que los vieran ,pero no han ayudadarlos
Piden bendición y ayuda y abogan por sus familiares, pero Dos ve que no piensan en su naturaleza no en esos peritos que si tenían dueño y también lo perdieron todo hasta su ser amado!!! Que crueldad que los tengan allí!!! Que Yahsua bendiga a este gran hombre por ayudar a estos seres que sienten, como cualquiera de los españoles,que decepción y yo ayudando a los ingratos Españoles, sin pensar en los animalitos a si ni para ayudarles!!
Hombre de de Dios gracias por ayudar a estos angelitos!!! Si localizan al dueño espero lo quiera recibir,en extras caritas se ve lo asustados,pero este hombre precioso,gracias,gracias, por ayudar!!!! Ayuden de todo el mundo a este chico para que pueda solventar los gastos y la comida para los perritos!!!
Բարեվ ձեզ Իսպանիայի եվ Վալենսիայի ժողովուրդ ջան էտեղ բոլորիտ համփերություն եվ տոկոնություն եմ մաղթում
THANK YOU so much for helping the dog
turba!!?mira que hay adjetivos con lo que describir lo que pasó allí,si allí estuviera tu madrina o tía,o tu hijo,padre o madre, que el agua se lo llevó, también dirías turba?
No deberian existir ya los reyes que lucran con el pueblo
Lets pray this peoples don't return this animals they have suffered a lot already
Dios los bendiga por ayudar❤❤❤
My heart aches for everyone that had to go through that horrible situation. But I also feel so so sorry for those poor animals they must b so petrified. Thank God that there’s good heart people that are taking dogs for themselves. Girls u are excellent humans working all the time on rescue animals. And God will bless you all as u are blessings those animals. 😢😢😢😢😢
Condolences to all suffering from the floods.
Жалко животных,они самые незащищенные .
Se qui ont provoqué cette catastrophe vous êtes des démons et criminels
Tout cela n'est pas naturel .dieu vous punira croyez moi. 👎😡💩🐷👹🤮
Sharing your good work. Keep it up. Take care. From Norway. Sorry Norway is not allowing rescue dogs anymore
It's amazing how a disaster brings everyone together. Prayers🙏 goes out to you all. It's sweet to see how the baby's are being taken care of. Makes my heart melt❤❤❤And to watch the repairs being done to the Great House. A Beautiful place for the animals. They get to live like Kings and Queens. Not a damn dirty shelter 5×6ft space with 4 or more dogs. Great House is GREAT and will be again when it's done ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤