The Tesla can detect human Anthony(i think that's how it's spelled)
You do you call Ghostbusters
That happens to me and my mom after we were back from the store and I was scared a little bit and it was in the road and no one was there
Tesla can detect ghosts
Maby because a Tesla senses a change of heat to see if there is a object
I work at a Tesla dealership some of our customers are saying that they might be a problem with there car cause they say there Tesla is sensing people when they is no one around I told my manager he said its a malfunction
That’s cool
I’m the 100 comment
Bro ima call Elon musk rn
Drive into the ghost
Elon just saved people’s lives
that ghost still got the moves man what the
Me be like I'm not scared-Runs over ghosts– Mhh my job is done
Well that’s interesting 🤨
The Tesla can detect ghosts I’ve seen it before I was done I found a new car we broke the Tesla lol who thinks we should explain diffrent things
glitch or ghost?
Invisible man 😂
Elom musk is doesn't there but its ghost
The Tesla can detect human Anthony(i think that's how it's spelled)
You do you call Ghostbusters
That happens to me and my mom after we were back from the store and I was scared a little bit and it was in the road and no one was there
Tesla can detect ghosts
Maby because a Tesla senses a change of heat to see if there is a object
I work at a Tesla dealership some of our customers are saying that they might be a problem with there car cause they say there Tesla is sensing people when they is no one around I told my manager he said its a malfunction
That’s cool
I’m the 100 comment
Bro ima call Elon musk rn
Drive into the ghost
Elon just saved people’s lives
that ghost still got the moves man what the
Me be like I'm not scared-Runs over ghosts– Mhh my job is done
Well that’s interesting 🤨
The Tesla can detect ghosts I’ve seen it before I was done I found a new car we broke the Tesla lol who thinks we should explain diffrent things
Just run the ghost over