Is Point Pleasant a testing ground for the paranormal? In this compilation from Coast to Coast AM Archives, Bill Grabowski uncovers eerie Mothman sightings, UFO encounters, and the Men in Black’s unsettling visits.
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It seems that the trick to these piecemeal videos is to NOT put CW at the beginning 😂
Are there tunnels?
As long as people support trans people and all of us more than ETs cool
I had my manhood in my hand when my parents walked in, but it's not what you think.
We had a black chinook low flying over our block in 2018 over here in FL. It was no drill. Unmarked. There was no fire around, no sheriff helicopter, just this huge black unmarked chinook flying by for some 8-10 mins looking for something in the woods.
They are demons, call on Jesus 🙏
sorry. at 14:52 this lost me…when the guy basically said the govt dosnt know about UFOS etc…of course they do and have so for decades….to think otherwise is to be either delussional or he is affected by his own cognative bias….he cant see it..
Coast to Coast after Art Bell left is not what you think.
navy vans r white
Yep, "to control"….with fear. I guess "we" are threatening to "them". Maybe we out number them and they just don't like what they see in us.
This clickbait is not what you think.
Awesome guest and show
Deja vu experiences all over again
All demonic coming out of amazes me people can't put 2 and 2 together
Things are not as we perceive, even GOD says that in the Bible.
Hats off for this video.
This comment is not what you think.
Cardinal is our State bird.
How on earth do you know "what I think"?! Don't flatter yourself! You haven't a clue what I think!
This video is not what you think, why have you started putting this in every title?
The government can be trusted only when they reveal everything about Roswell including the craft and bodies, Holliman airbase footage of President Eisenhower meeting ET's, the Big Sur film of a saucer destroying a ballistic missile warhead, footage and Rendlesham pics etc. ie. never.
The Scole Experiment is an awesome video.
my thoughts are this……….I don't think men in black are spies. They're agents of either corporations involved with security of classified or black programs or they're legitimate government agents from that era. I kinda lean more towards government since, more were seen often, back when mothman happened. At some point, you stop hearing about them. so maybe the program security SOP evolved with their operations knowledge or they modernized naturally or maybe they began experiencing blowback they were trying to avoid, or they realized that public was getting a little more confrontational, less trusting of government, more sophisticated in intelligence on these topics…….anyway, that area of APPALACHIAN mountains is literally "swiss cheesed" with secret underground military bases, laboratories working with black projects, and so on. Iron mountain, Raven Rock (may not have been there at that time), but Mount Weather was, the Greenbrier, THE LAST THING government wants, is more and more people showing up in this low population area, poking around.
Sick of the click bait. Shame
Prince of the power of the air, masquerades as an angel of light, and his Ministers of darkness, masquerade as Ministers of righteousness. Aliens cryptids ghosts goblins fairies and elves, are all , fallen angels, Nephilim Giants and hybrid abominable creatures, unclean wicked demonic lying spirits ruling and operating underground underwater, in abandoned desolate places in the wilderness they were in caves or in abandoned houses or cemeteries and in the high heavenly places,1st and 2nd heaven… (Space the prison of the fallen watchers and rouge stars and rebel luminaries)