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About the Author: Grim Zoology


  1. P’Nut was killed by Democrats, it’s why they did so badly in the elections, he might have been murdered but the Curse of P’Nut remains and will live on.

  2. All the peanuts family had to do was bring those animals to a vet for rabies/distemper vaccines. NYS agricultural law requires all companion pets to be vaccinated. Same thing can happen to your beloved cat or dog without proof of rabies vaccine. 110% family's own fault. With proof of rabies vaccine, might have gotten a fine or left alone!! Please don't be stupid.

  3. It seems to me they've got a bunch of miserable ass people at the DEC. To take some obviously tame animals and then euthanize them for some seemingly crackhead reasons it's probably one of the most pathetic things that I've heard lately. I guess it's true misery must love company……😢😢😢😢😢😢

  4. Guy Fawks não era um "revolucionário"; ele pertencia a um GRUPO TERRORISTA CATÓLICO, A MANDO DO PAPA (eita religião "do bem"), cujo objetivo era assassinar o rei, protestante, da Inglaterra.

  5. 3:13 Noah Donahoe's mother will never get justice for her boy. Too many higher ups are involved. There have been quite a few scandals here recently involving people in political parties.

  6. Ive seen the red haired woman in other videos. They say that she was talking to a young boy on Roblox and had almost convinced him to drop his foster sibling. Who knows which story is correct.

  7. I've learned more about rabies this year than I have in my entire life combined. The hydrophobia is probably the most mind blowing aspect to me, but second to that was the likelihood of smaller rodents contracting or transmitting rabies. Smaller rodents CAN get rabies, but in most cases, if a small rodent gets attacked by a rabid animal, they're typically not surviving long enough for rabies to set in. Small rodents haven't been known to infect humans with rabies. That's not saying it's never happened, but it's extremely rare due to their size, either being too small to survive the attack or the infection killing them before they can spread it. Dogs, raccoons, bats, skunks and foxes are the ones you should be a bit more cautious with. You should probably get medical attention if you're bitten by anything, just to be safe… But there was absolutely no reason to euthanize Peanut. Maybe he was "just a squirrel", but whoever called the shots on that one should feel ashamed of themselves. 7 YEARS! He had the squirrel for 7 years! It wasn't like he took a rabid squirrel in 7hrs ago and expected it to be a Disney princess by tomorrow. Absolute waste of time and resources…

  8. The Peanut sht pisses me off. First he was not an animal rescue he only started to "rescue" animals after Peanut. Also he had the squirrel for years and did not apply for a license to own the squirrel. Then they post, publicly, stuff about the squirrel. Sad an animal died because of human stupidity.

  9. Ivan the 6th basically lived his developmental years in solitary confinement how did he even learn to talk or anything or did he? He was a little over one year old when he was imprisonment by his cousin.

    Also I know this centuries ago but who in their right minds even at that time would have put a 1-year-old in prison and for what?

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