Buy here: https://www.vat19.com/item/mberry-miracle-berry-fruit-tablets
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I want to tell in the world 🌎
Bro, that's the FL Studio pill
He becomes the mask without mask lmao
My mom bought a little container of it but it cost a bunch
nah i like sour stuff
its miracle berry
Nah bro that “OH MY GOD” was personal
bro just saw through 40 million alternate realities
GIVE ME THOSE SOUR SWEETS I LOVE 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 THINGS. ok thank u i stole yo sour candy ba-bye. 🙂
Bro advertised like 6 products without even knowing
Ill survive without that
Ima be completely honest. Last Christmas I tried Mberry and it did absolutely nothing. Only difference was that raspberries were a little sweeter.
Vat19 why trying to make me take pills😢
I've had these Mberry tablets before and they're pretty overrated, I tried lemons after having one and the effects barely lasted long and I could still taste the sourness, people hype up these Mberry tablets so much when they're not even that good they taste really sweet and after I had one I honestly felt a little sick. I wouldn't really recommend buying them they're just over-hyped and overrated
I wish I was on that trial. (I won't take the pill)
How long will it last?
Bro predicted 435747 outcomes 💀
For some reason my brain after watching just told me to have an emotional breakdown so I did
They are too strong in pub
Bro I wanna un-sub to this channel but that iconic "VAT-19"!!!!! is so classic
Thank you