After teaching his dog how to drive, this clever man doesn‘t need to drive his car himself anymore!! Sometimes his dog even dresses up like santa while his owner chills beside him!! You can see how concentrated the skilled dog is and sometimes the man does not even need to be inside the car!! But when his driving dogs get sleepy, he gives them a break and drives the car himself.
There also have been days where he needed to transport puppies who he had to drive to dog school, but mostly he has peaceful solo passengers who often fall asleep or take over the steering. At the end of the day, the dogs and the man rest at the beach and if you find this cute, subscribe. #hearttouching #puppy
Dogs are precious ❤️
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Minewhile u are in an border
“They even taught this mf how to drive!”
——someone probably
how do people believe this???
How did the dog touch the plead
"Woah ass ahoy"
-Brian Griffin
You can see that the dog legs not on the brakes bro so how they aint crash😂
Did you spot that the dogs paws wasn't even touching the gas or the brake pedals😂😂
Who he taught his dog how to dive 🤯
How the dog drive the truck but she's toes are small??????
This is remarkable but what worries me is how the dog would respond in an emergency
Ok but like… in new Zealand they apparently have a dog driving school. Its an interesting watch
How does a dog's ' reach the pedal
Ok maybe the dog is 20 years old
His chanel name pls
He got his driver license before me….
Wow sooo real so who gonna hit the breaks huh? Who gonna hit it??
Cute 😊
This is fake dog can't do this because dog legs is small
Bro how the dog accelerates the car 💀
Women: i have trust issues, i dont trust anyone
Fake and stolen
The dogs are so cute
You stole his videos
You stole his videos
It’s super pretty cutie and know how to drive this time with my dog died
What I want one like that
We got dogs driving before gta 6
"Wait owner l gtg pee opens door starts dooing his business gets back in the car "aight im back"